Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Jun 6, 2011


French: Géo project for tomorrow
Music: Term test tomorrow.
English: PSA's
Math: Hand in your stock market booklets.

Have a great night! (I know I will! :))

Jun 1, 2011


What time does stock market start ?

Final Stock Market Notes

When you arrive in the gym;
Have a seat and set up your office
ID every sheet in your envelope
Hope for bonus bucks $$$!
You will receive an envelope containing;
Tally sheet -- glued to the outside
Transaction Log -- white
Cash Flow sheet – white (several copies)
Prices (Statistics) -- purple
Trading Journal -- pink
Sector Analysis -- orange
Sector Analysis Bar Graph of Averages -- orange
Graphing 5 Stocks -- yellow
Tally Sheet;
Make sure you’ve filled in names!
This sheet will be our final tally to see how you fared
There will be a final audit, so make sure you’re accurate!
Transaction Log;
This is your ‘shopping list’:  Bring it with you when you come up to buy or sell your stocks
Cash Flow Sheet
On this sheet you need to keep track of any transaction, including:
Stock purchases -- OUT (spent)
Dividend stocks -- IN (earned)
Bonuses -- IN (earned)
Fines -- OUT (spent)
There will be an audit, so you make sure you keep track of everything!
Prices (Statistics)
Use this sheet to keep track of market trends
Green = increase +
Red = decrease -
Yellow = no change
Do this for every round!
Look for trends to help you decide whether to buy or sell
Trading Journal
Use this sheet to analyze the headlines
1.Decide which stocks are affected
2.Is it good news (Ý) or bad news (ß)
3.Based on that, do you want to buy? Or sell? Or avoid the stock altogether?
4.Once you’ve decided, make up your shopping list (Transaction Log) 
Sector Analysis
Use this sheet to decide which sector is performing well or performing poorly.
Follow the instructions at the top of the sheet 
Sector Analysis – Bar Graph of Averages
Use this sheet to graph your sector analysis (previous page)
Use your graphs to look for trends
Use these trends to help you decide what to buy and what to sell
Graphing 5 Stocks
Before Round 1, choose any five stocks
You need to track these five stocks for each round
Use five different colours to draw your graph

May 31, 2011


English: PSA's
Math: Stock Market on June 2nd. Workbook for tomorrow.
Music: Mini test #78. Term test on June 7. Pick any one these songs: 91,97, 98, 99 , 104 or 106 (Full song).
French: Géo project for June 6th.

Have a great night!

May 27, 2011


French: Géo project for June 1 (by the way, I lost my sheet, so if someone could give me the details of the project, that would be great!)
English: PSA's
Math: Stock Market
Music: Mini test #78. Term test on June 7( I am pretty sure that is the first day 1 in June, it is not June 6). Pick any one these songs: 91,97, 98, 99 , 104 or 106 (Full song).

Hand in your permission forms for the sports day by Monday.

Have a great night!

Stock Market Update - Mr. Walsh

Make sure to spend lots of time on the Cash Flow log, the Tally Sheet and the Transaction Log. These have to be PERFECT … last year the top 12 finishers in terms of total assets were disqualified due to various accounting irregularities. Some of the mistakes were simply a result of not double checking their math …others were more involved with “mystery” money, stocks or unaccounted transactions. It doesn’t matter why .. if there is an irregularity of even ten dollars in the final accounting, that team is disqualified immediately and the next highest  brokerage assets will be examined.

The gifted split class, 7/8K, will be the Bear Pit trading crew. Impress on your teams that when they come to the trading desk, there is no room for error. If there is a math mistake in their money or they are confused as to the buying or selling, the Bear Pit crew will simply turn them away. There is no pleading, arguing or disagreement allowed … the teams have a single trip to the trading table each round. If the team makes a mistake, they have lost their chance for that round. NO EXCEPTIONS!

May 26, 2011


French: Géographie project for June 1st.
English: Inspiring PSA's
Math: Stock Market!!
Music: Mini test #78. Term test on June 6( I am pretty sure that is the first day 1 in June). Pick any one these songs: 91,97, 98, 99 , 104 or 106 (Full song)

Have a great night!

May 25, 2011


French: Geography Project for June 1.
English: Dumbest generation responses.
Math: Stock Market handbook
Science: Name tag
Music: Term test on June 6( I am pretty sure that is the first day 1 in June). Pick any one these songs: 91,97, 98, 99 , 104 or 106 (Full song)
Drama: dances (are we ever going to do them?)

Have a great night!

Queens Seeds In Residence Info

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