Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Mar 11, 2011


French: If you are STILL not finished the trois mousquetaires project, GET IT DONE!!!!!
English: Collages and reflections WERE due today, but if you didn't hand them in, do it ASAP! Work on poetry books
Music: Composition project for March 30th
Math: Battleship boards also due today, but hand them in asap.
Drama: Dances

Have a great March Break!!!!

Mar 10, 2011


French: L3M project due tomorrow
English: Hand in your collages and reflections by tomorrow
Math: Battleship boards for tomorrow
Music: Composition project for March 30th
Drama: Dances
Science: Gain mécanique for tomorrow

March Break dance $ for tomorrow, because it is happening tomorrow!!!

Have a great night!

Mar 9, 2011


Can anyone post the novel studies sheet for me? please please please please!! I can't find mine and I need to make sure I have everything done since it's due Friday!! And also is the math book still due Friday?! Because soem people said it was and others said it wasn't?! Anyways please please please post the sheet on the blog!!


French: L3M for Friday.
Math: Battleship board for Friday.
English: Collages and reflections for Friday.
Science: Sheet about le gain mécanique.
Music: Composition project for the 30th of March
Drama: Dances

Cupcake sale tomorrow at morning recess and Friday at Lunch. Dance is on Friday! There might be a snow day tomorrow!!!!!

Have a great night!

Mar 8, 2011


French: Dictée for Wednesday and L3M project for sometime this week.
English: Have your collages and reflections done before March Break.
Math: Battleship boards are due by Friday.
Drama: Dances
Music: Composition project for the 23rd of March
Science: The sheet for the 'gain mécanique' is due for the next science class.

Grad photos are tomorrow!March Break dance on Friday!

Have a great night!

Mar 7, 2011


hey people of the world(my class), I just wrote a poem that I would like to post to see what you guys think. It's not part of my poetry book it's for last week when Mr. O asked us to write a poem. I wasn't here, so I wrote my poem now! Here it is tell me what you think!!

:) (this is the title :p)

by Sophie

I live to laugh
while others cry
life passes by
it's do or die!

Some call me Smiley
I really don't care
they say you always smile
cause i got that flair!

Some people think I'm weird
cause I laugh all the time
I don't say anything
I continue my climb!

Be optimistic
Don't look at the downs
life is the best
What's with your frown?

Live life to the fullest
that's what I say
each day goes by
live your life today!

Thanks :)


French: L3M project due sometime this week. Dictée non-préparée on WEdnesday.
English: Hand in your reflections and collages ASAP. Work on your poetry.
Math: Battleship grids due for Friday.
Science: Review sheet for tomorrow.
Music: Composition project for March 23rd.
Drama: Dances.

Have a great night!

Queens Seeds In Residence Info

Very Cool Writing Site

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