Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Mar 9, 2011


Can anyone post the novel studies sheet for me? please please please please!! I can't find mine and I need to make sure I have everything done since it's due Friday!! And also is the math book still due Friday?! Because soem people said it was and others said it wasn't?! Anyways please please please post the sheet on the blog!!


Unknown said...

Heres the last section
be warned few or more typos
required questions
1. create a 1 page or poster size collage of a major theme of your novel or one that illustrates certain parts of your novel.
2.compare and contrast this reading of the Maestro. How did you enjoy about each reading? explain your answer.
3.which novel were you more interested in and why?
4.when you are more interested of engaged in a novel, does it impact the quality and care of work you do and submit? how
5.do you think its more effective to read novels as a class, where we can discuss and compare experiences and perspectives, or work independently and just enjoy the experience? explain.
6.what are the advantages and disadvantages of having a novel chosen for you as a class?
7.what are the advantages and disadvantages of choosing your own novel?

And which part did u do?
the first one the song one or the other one?

Jeremy Wang said...

Which section o.O?

Sophie said...

for the math book its only what wanted for like 3 months ago. the data management and probability is for later in the year, but if u already finished it. Then it's fine but we are working on that later. And for DM the DMP was for that. Anyways i dont know if i made any sense but i'm trying to explain, aske Mr.O tomorrow to i guess further or clear up what i am saying. But the booklet when he asked for us 3 months ago its JUST that. NO NEW STUFF!!! we are working on that later! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi guys. The Essential skills work was assigned to be completed on your time but the goal was to have it in by the end of Feb. The data management section was the only part that we are leaving and covering later but if you have completed it, that's OK. I will be marking the ES work over the break, so it needs to be handed in. enjoy your evening. : )

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