Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Apr 1, 2011


Music: Composition projects for April 6th.
Drama: Dances
Math: Algebra sheets (not sure about due dates...)

Have a great weekend!

Oh, and also, I know no one really cares, but the world final for cricket is tomorrow! India against Sri Lanka!

Mar 31, 2011


French: Invention project. I do not know when it is due!
Drama: Dances
Math: Algebra worksheets. Mr O will give us more time to work on them though.
Music: Composition projects for the next music class.
Science: Plan Incliné for tomorrow!

Tomorrow is April Fool's Day!

Have a great night!!!

Mar 30, 2011


Watch Born To Learn Video.

Science: Plan incliné for Friday
Music: Composition projects probably for next music class.
Drama: Dances
Math: Pg 125-126 questions 2-8.

Have a great night!

Mar 29, 2011


Science: Plan incliné for Friday
Music: Composition projects for tomorrow.
Drama: Dances
English: Poetry assignments.

411 Girl's Presentation tomorrow!

Have a great night!

Mar 28, 2011


Math: For the rest of the term, we will be using math textbooks.
English: Anthologies
Science: Plan Incliné for April 1st
Music: Composition project for Wednesday
Drama: dances

Student survey form for March 31st. 411 Girl's presentation form must be handed in before Wednesday

Queens Seeds In Residence Info

Very Cool Writing Site

Stop Death by Powerpoint