Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Apr 22, 2011

Reason #4 - Comment Before April 27

4. They get ridiculed for original thought, good writing
  "On MySpace, if you write clearly and compose coherent paragraphs with informed observations on history and current events, 'buddies' will make fun of you,'' Bauerlein says. Wikipedia writing is clean and factual, but colorless and judgment-free. Often the most clever students, with flashes of disorganized brilliance on MySpace, switch to dull Wiki-writing formats for school papers, he says. "If we could combine the style and imagination of MySpace with the content of Wikipedia, we might get good stuff."

(Jeremy, Jon(s) & Parag will love the next reason...)

Apr 21, 2011


French: Elections test on April 26th. Student vote April 28/29. Invention project for May 10th.
Drama: Dances
English: Dumbest generation
Science: Les fluides

Apr 20, 2011


French: Elections test on April 26th. Student vote April 28/29. Invention project for May 10th.
Drama: Dances
English: Dumbest generation
Science: Les fluides

Have a great night!

Apr 19, 2011


French: Dictée non-préparée on les homophones tomorrow. Elections Test on the 26th and student vote will be happening the next day. Invention project for may 10th.
Math: Pg 256 4,6,7 Pg 257 8,11,12,13 Pg 258 14-16 for tomorrow, I assume.
English: Dumbest generation!!
Music: Composition projects for tomorrow and mini test for first 2 bars of #65 (sorry I had said 58 before).
Drama: Dances
Science: Les fluides.

Have a great night!:)

Apr 18, 2011


French: Dictée non-préparée on Wednesday. Elections test on April 26, and student vote the next day. Invention project for May 10.
Music: Composition projects and mini test on the first 2 bars of #58 for Weds.
Drama: dances
English: Dumbest generation

Have a great night!

Apr 17, 2011

Reason #3 - Comment before Apr 20

They can't spell

Lack of capitalization and IM codes dominate online writing. Without spellcheck, folks are toast.

(This is a short one but interesting given our recent discussion around use of grammar, punctuation and spelling when posting. Please note that while many of you have improved in these areas on the second reason but there are still a few of you posting without caps and with multiple spelling errors. Paragraph structure, punctuation and grammar are increasingly becoming a part of your mark with your posts.)

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