Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

May 27, 2011


French: Géo project for June 1 (by the way, I lost my sheet, so if someone could give me the details of the project, that would be great!)
English: PSA's
Math: Stock Market
Music: Mini test #78. Term test on June 7( I am pretty sure that is the first day 1 in June, it is not June 6). Pick any one these songs: 91,97, 98, 99 , 104 or 106 (Full song).

Hand in your permission forms for the sports day by Monday.

Have a great night!

Stock Market Update - Mr. Walsh

Make sure to spend lots of time on the Cash Flow log, the Tally Sheet and the Transaction Log. These have to be PERFECT … last year the top 12 finishers in terms of total assets were disqualified due to various accounting irregularities. Some of the mistakes were simply a result of not double checking their math …others were more involved with “mystery” money, stocks or unaccounted transactions. It doesn’t matter why .. if there is an irregularity of even ten dollars in the final accounting, that team is disqualified immediately and the next highest  brokerage assets will be examined.

The gifted split class, 7/8K, will be the Bear Pit trading crew. Impress on your teams that when they come to the trading desk, there is no room for error. If there is a math mistake in their money or they are confused as to the buying or selling, the Bear Pit crew will simply turn them away. There is no pleading, arguing or disagreement allowed … the teams have a single trip to the trading table each round. If the team makes a mistake, they have lost their chance for that round. NO EXCEPTIONS!

May 26, 2011


French: Géographie project for June 1st.
English: Inspiring PSA's
Math: Stock Market!!
Music: Mini test #78. Term test on June 6( I am pretty sure that is the first day 1 in June). Pick any one these songs: 91,97, 98, 99 , 104 or 106 (Full song)

Have a great night!

May 25, 2011


French: Geography Project for June 1.
English: Dumbest generation responses.
Math: Stock Market handbook
Science: Name tag
Music: Term test on June 6( I am pretty sure that is the first day 1 in June). Pick any one these songs: 91,97, 98, 99 , 104 or 106 (Full song)
Drama: dances (are we ever going to do them?)

Have a great night!

TDG Reasons

Reason 5

Reason 6

Reason 7

Reason 8

Click on the word/number to get redirected to the post.

May 24, 2011

For the Geography project, I'm half done but I'm stuck on categories... Mr. Obrian just said technology and clothes...?

Stock Market Notes - From Mr. Walsh

Students must understand the importance of the commodities … the entire simulation is dependent upon the strength of gold and oil.

Graphing practice should be completed by using the 3 stock examples on page 12 .

The records package that each team will find on their trading table, on the day of the game, will contain the following tools:

Stock Market Tally Sheet
Cash Flow Record
Sector Analysis
Trading Journal
Prices Statistics Page
Graphing 5 Stocks Broken Line template
Sector Analysis Bar Graph
Transaction Log

Each of these tools is modeled in the student workbook … the students should be comfortable with each of these.  THESE ACCOUNTABILITY TOOLS ARE CRITICAL … IF THEY DO NOT MATCH UP THEIR ACCOUNTING WITH THE FINAL TOTALS, THE TEAM IS DISQUALIFIED FROM CONSIDERATION AS WINNERS

A few miscellaneous items to discuss …

- no laptops, IPODS,MP3’s, cell phones   …NO EXCEPTIONS! This is fairness issue … not only are there limited plug –ins but also the fluent use of a spread sheet program would serve as too great an advantage.
- everybody needs a calculator or an adding machine … no cell phone calculators allowed ** if caught with any of the above devices, there will be a team fine of $500 and the device will be given to Mr. Walsh to be held until the next school day  (4 days)
- bonus bucks can , and do, make the difference between winning and losing. Last year’s winning team won by $20.00 … bonus bucks are awarded for best business card design, best desk flange, best office set up, best costumes, best logo, and other “surprise” awards.
- ONE AWAY RULE … there is only 1 member of the brokerage away from the table at any time… $50 penalty enforced every time there is an infraction


Responses were do yesterday but Mr. Oickle is letting me finish them up today, so just a reminder if you want to type out your responses tonight because it was do yesterday.


Queens Seeds In Residence Info

Very Cool Writing Site

Stop Death by Powerpoint