Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Oct 2, 2010

About the wordle thing, it's not working on firefox so does anyone know if it works on safari cause its the only iternet thing can get...?

Oct 1, 2010


Hey, 8H what's up? I can't seem to get the wordle thing working right, every time I press 'GO' all I get is a white page. Help!
Hello! Here is today's homework:

-English~ Create a wordle about yourself and another one about what you learned this month. Here is the link to the wordle site if you didn't find it on the blog: www.wordle.net
-Science~Draw an animal cell and a plant cell and draw in all the different parts that Mme.Trietz wanted you to do and colour each part in a different colour depending on the part
Geography~Cartographe is due Tuesday, Mexico sheet and the T.N map are due Tuesday since there's no french on monday

And don't forget to bring $10 for Pakistan and the chocolate form if you're not participating

Have a great weekend!

Screen Capturing

Hey 8H. How do you screen shoot stuff??? My printer isn't working so I forget the site name. And I can't find Aggie's post about it. Please hurry and comment!!! I already finished my wordle's but I need to cappture it soon or else it won't save!!!!! HELP!!!!!

Sep 30, 2010

Today's Homework

Hi! So today's homework is basically the same as yesterday's since we didn't have much class time due to Terry Fox.

-French~Verb test which is due on Friday
-Geograohy~The mexico film sheet and the "taux de natilité" map are both due on friday and the Cartographe is due tuesday
-Math~DMP, your survey should be ready to be posted by tomorrow
-English~Watch the "dove" video if you haven't already

Oh and don't forget to bring in money for Pakistan, try to bring in $10, if you can.

Sep 29, 2010

Hey, I'm finally posting, thank you Sophie! Anyway, I got to go, peace!

Local Produce vs. Imported Produce

Here is our form for the DMP:


BY: Rachel and Sierra


Does anyone have the list of words for the science chart i didnt finish and i forgot to write the words!!! HELP!

DMP survey :-)

Here's two websites
Hello, here is the homework,

-French~If you want to rewrite the verb test, it's due on Friday
-Geography~The Mexico sheet and the "taux de natlité" map are due also on friday, but the "cartographe" is due on Tuesday and don't forget, to get the # of squares, you do : population divided by 2 ( The populations that are under 1 million, you don't have to do)
-Math~DMP , the survey question should be up by Friday and the deadline for the whole project is sometime next week

And also tomorrow is Terry Fox so don't forget and hope it doesn't rain! Bye!


can everybody please dis regard my link to my group's form. Like Tom said i have to redo some questions.. and send it to mr. oickle so everyone please don't answer till u get your number that we were talking in class. mr. oickle will repost my link when its ready. all the info already gaven to me will not be use for data till i get my questions sorted out. But thanks again for filling it out ! But if u can fill it out again when its ready that will be greatly apperciated!! :)

sorry... wrong link. this is not working.....

DMP Survey

Please fill this out for our project! =) (don't forget to use your code thinghy...)
here is the link: https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=tbZwM_8OQwplpphxcYxJ8DQ
i can post now

good i finnally can post again!

finally! my account was messed so i couldnt post for a bit but now i can. yay!
And guyus remember not to be biased with your answers; always alow an "other" option. And i looked at your questions sophia and i suggest you add an "i have not been offended by the media" answer or at least make that question optional only. ty

-Tom J-L

Sep 28, 2010

DMP Project

Hey everyone! i was wondering if u could fill out my groups form here is the link:
*remember use the code name thing Mr. Oickle was talking about so we know its you!!


C U 2morrow!!!! :)

Todays homework

Todays homework
Science: Finish science chart with all the parts of the cell
Math: DPA due oct 1. and we might get an extension if we work well :)
French: Human geography article response thingy forgot whens its due and the journal if you still havent finished it yet

Thats all l8erz

Sep 27, 2010


Math : DMP Reaserch. The project is due on October 1st, but if we work well, Mr.Oickle will extend the due date.
Science: The table with the different parts of the cell.
Music: Practice, practice, practice! Ms.Spear will be checking your record charts tomorrow. Make sure that it is signed by a parent.

See you tomorrow!

Sep 26, 2010

Geography homework???

For the geography homework what was the conversion rate for Sup (km-sqared or whatever) to 1 square on the graph paper?

Im On

Hey guys , I am finally on the blog! hewww....

Queens Seeds In Residence Info

Very Cool Writing Site

Stop Death by Powerpoint