Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Oct 1, 2010

Hello! Here is today's homework:

-English~ Create a wordle about yourself and another one about what you learned this month. Here is the link to the wordle site if you didn't find it on the blog: www.wordle.net
-Science~Draw an animal cell and a plant cell and draw in all the different parts that Mme.Trietz wanted you to do and colour each part in a different colour depending on the part
Geography~Cartographe is due Tuesday, Mexico sheet and the T.N map are due Tuesday since there's no french on monday

And don't forget to bring $10 for Pakistan and the chocolate form if you're not participating

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Aggie said...

If you haven't already done the article questions, they're due on tues. I think...

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