Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Oct 9, 2010

This is another song like 'Where Is The Love' and it's also by the Black Eyed Peas, with some of the same messages. It's called "One Tribe" :)


- Claire
Umm Mr oickle do you know if it is possible to access my files that i have on my school account?
I really need some of the files there, and maybe some of the other students may need it too.


a thought....

Hearing this song, sometimes, I wonder how this type of good raw music, with meaning in it, turned into auto tuned music with almost no meaning at all. What happened to good old fashioned music videos that really shows whats going on, and now, music videos are just parties and have no meaning whatsoever!

Oct 8, 2010

Where is the Love?

Hi folks.  In light of the day's discussions and events (LD & Beh.), I think that once you look at the printed lyrics you should make an effort to write a short piece about how they apply to our class and the rest of the school, world, etc. Sounds heavy but your response should be from your own perspective and whether you think the questions posed in the song are valid. Feel free to use the comment option or to submit it on paper on Tuesday. Give it a try...and have a WONDERFUL thanksgiving long weekend. : )

PS - it's time to change up the room...104 needs a new look.
Where is the love?

Love the video Mr Oickle!! Just wondering, would you like us to bring in the lyrics on Tuesday or just take a look at them this weekend.

Anyways Have a great long weekend, folks!!!



~Finish DMP project for Tuesday


~ Dictée on Friday about the microscope

~Bring supplies for Science project (3D cell)


I think that's it…

Happy Thanksgiving

Or as Sierra calls it…


Oct 7, 2010

Did you know?

Hey guys Just found this very interesting fact , just wanting to let you know.
111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321 :)
Hey guys, i know its late but I'm REALLY confused about mean mediam and mode for the data managment project. My question is " How many meals do you eat a day?" and the choices were 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 6+, im not sure how to get the mean median or mode out of this... ? PPLLLEEAASEE HELPPP :(


I have finally done my part for the DMP Project!! Now, it is up to Sofia. Keep on working!!
How do you change the spreadsheet to Microsoft Excel o.O. I could do it in class, but not here. Any help will be appreciated.



I forgot my science microscope sheet at school could someone please post the words!


French-Finish the questions on Blanche de Beaumont & the graph on Urbanisation

Math-Finish your poster/powerpoint for tomorrow

Science-Dictee is on Friday: study the microscope sheet

I think I forgot something but I can't remember:)

Oct 6, 2010

Science.... sometimes so difficult... LIKE NOW!!!

Hey 8H! Right now, the science homework for the house is killing me right now!!! I have found half of the answers but I can't figure out the rest. If any of you could find noyau, chromosome, nucléole, mitochondrie or membrane nucléaire, please let me know!

i need help with wordle

article questions

can someone tell me what the questions are for the geography article. please.

How to work Excel!!!!

I finally figured out how to make a graph on excel!!

-You have to put the words into numbers! ex: You have 5 yes's and 6 no's, you type 5 and 6 into a different excel window.

1.You highlight those 2 numbers and click insert graph !
2. You have to kind of fiddle around with it at first. I don't know how to explain it because it differnt for each person.

Hope that helps some people! Its not very descriptive, but it should help!

Answer our survey please

Please answer to our survey if you didn't already

science i think dislikes me :(

Does anyone get the science work with the cells-house... I dont get it................
i usaully dont get anything with science........
just ask rohini i call here all the time for science help lol -_-
so if u could help my problems it would be greatly appreciated
or i will have to call rohini like the 50th time in the last like week.........


(i probably will still call rohini) XD


French-study for geo. test: terme,urbanisation, carte TN, article, video, cartogramme
-Finish the questions of your article for tomorrow

Math-Finish your values tables and graphs

Science-Finish the two work sheets for tomorrow

I think thats it!!!!

The Apocalypse

Hi guys im making this post now for future purposes for mine and raj's powerpoint remember i posted this because later you might (if u choose) want to comment on our over-all presentation and how we did. thnx
-Tom J-L
hey everyone 2 more people left please finish our survey :D:D
hey everyone only 2 more people have to do our survey pls finish it when u can today pls
Jon H.


Heyy peeps,
We still need 4 more people to do our survey...so if ur one of them plz do our survey...or else...i know wher u live...jk...but plzzz do the survey.
Thnx everyone!

- Jack Leung

Click Here For The Survey

Media and Teen girls

hey everyone we have 16 people have answered our survey the last few people pls answer our survey


Jeremy, Sebastian, & Vedrans Survey

Raj & Tom's Survey

Jon & Parag's Survey

Lydia, Madison & Sophies Survey

Rachel & Sierra's Survey

Eric & Jon's Survey

Vivian's Survey

Rohini & Agatha's Survey

Claire & Faisa's Survey
we are done...thnx ppl =)
yooooooooooooooooooo people concerning eric and my math project the following ahve answered the survey
Sierrra SE
Rohini RG

here is the link to our survey for the peaople who have not answered it!

Jon H.
Yes! I can finally post. Thanks Rohini!

DMP survey

Still need 2 people for DMP survey

People who took survey:
nd, vivan lydia rohini claire 9001 31 raj 15 6 11 22 333 rachel and sierra
If you did not take the survey please click here

PS I didnt do your survey yet leave a comment and a link

Oct 5, 2010

Hey, I finally figures out how to post! Congrats to myself. Does anyone know how to figure out the science homework with the house and parts of the cell, if you do, I could really use your help. Oh yeah, does anyone know/want to fix my pencil case zipper for me? When ever I do it, ti always breaks. PLEASE HELP

Umm I still need some people to answer my survey, as only 12 people have done it.

Sierra SE
Vivian VL
Rohini RG

Here is the link to my survey.


Here are all the people who have filled out out survey: Sofia, 9001, Agatha, Rohini, Rachel, Sierra, Claire, Jeremy, Sebatian, Raj, Jon H, 333, Vedran, Lydia, 31, 12, 11 and 22. If you haven't filled the survey out, then please click here.

Hilary and Vivian


So the ppl who have filled out my groups form are... 11,13, 22, 33, 6, Raj, 10, 66, Agatha, Sierra, Rachel, Claire, Rohini, Sofia, Parag, Jeremy, Vedran... Anyways thats 17/18 so 1 person left!!!!!!! PLEASE FILL OUT!!!!! please :) Who ever you are??????

thank you:)


DMP survey

Ok i still need 6 more people for the survey the people who already took it is :
nd, vivan lydia rohini claire 9001 31 raj 15 6 and 11.
If you did not take the survey please click here

PS I didnt do your survey yet leave a comment and a link

The Surveys

Hi guys i was just filling out some surveys and i cant find anymore. So, if i missed yours
it would be nice if u could comment on this post with the link 2 your survey. thnx.

-Tom J-L

McDonalds Marketing

Parag & Jon's Working Survey Link

Jon Lu helped Parag contribute so he can post.

Parag: Yay!:P

older posts

BTW: if you can't find the surveys, all u have to do is keep clicking on "older posts" until u get back to the surveys. just so ppl know..... (or u can just click on 10/03-10/10 on the side and u can see all the posts together, just scroll down til u find the surveys)


We still have 6 more people who need to fill out the survey, these are the people who HAVE filled it out so if u r not 1 of them (below), plse fill it out.
People who have filled it out: 6, sierra, rachel, 31, vivian, jeremy, 15, 9001, raj, sebastian & 22.
not to nag but i wont be here later so i am going to send my last message today but our math project only has 10 people surveyed so would the last 9 people please get surveyed our survey is in the older posts it is there thanks everyone


here are the instructions for turning the spreadsheet to excel:

Open Up your spreadsheet in google docs

click on File

Then click download as: it should come up as HTML, CSV, EXCEL, etc.
Click Excel

Then Open or Save (save because u want to be able to open it later on..)

Then it should come up

Hope this helps if u have any questions leave a comment and i'll be happy to solve :)

Sophie :)

Our Math project

hey everyone we only have 10 ppl who have done our survey would the last ppl finish it pls i need it done and also what is the editiing system for the wordle he said was erfenview or something dunno plz comment


3 people still havne't filled out our form so, if you haven't please do, here is the link.

Here are the people who have filled it out: Sofia, 9001, Agatha, Rohini, Rachel, Lydia, Sierra, Claire, Jeremy, Sebastian, Raj, 333, Jon H, 31, 12 and 11.

And can the other 2 groups(Claire & Faisa, Jon Lu & Parag) re-post their survey question, so we can fill them out, thanks!


Hey everyone click on this to go to my form. I'm only taking the responses with the people who have gaven their number's so if u haven't u have till 2morrow!!!!!!!! And if u have filled out with your number, welll ur good :). Please EVERYONE fill it out. It will help!

Thank You



There are still 7 people who haven't answered our survey, so if u r 1 of them, please fill it out.
-thnx =)
This link is only for Maddie and those who haven't responded to Local Produce vs. Imported Produce:

Rachel and Sierra's form
I have deleted all the answers for my survey from my old survey, in whitch i had forgotten a question that asks your name/number. If you havnt done the different survey that requires a name, then please go back and do it. Sorry for the inconvenience. :)


Oct 4, 2010

is it just me or are the surveys disappearing from the blog?I find any surveys on the blog but jon and parag's :(

Some forms aren't working!!!

There is some form's that aren't working like parag's and jon's and faisa ur new link brings everyone back to the blog... so if all the answers have to be in by midnight ur forms arent going to get your answers in... so hopefully u guys realize, before it's too late!
Just wanted to inform u guys

see u 2morrow



McDonalds Advertising

Click here for Parag's & Jon's Survey

Also srry for posting a little late.
Hi, I accidentally deleted an IMPORTANT question from my survey when i was trying to edit it. Silly me :P I had deleted the question that asks your name. I would appreciate it if you guys would go through the survey again, and fill in the same answers but add your name/number where it says so. So for putting it up so late, i was locked out of my house -__- Here is the link.



Hey peeps!!!

I was just wondering if Jeremy, Vedran and Sebastian were putting up another survey or if they want us to answer they're other survey...so ya if one of you could answer that would be great. It's just so I know who's survey's I have and haven't answered yet.


English-Wordle is due tommorow
Math -Finish Survey and post it on the blog
Science -Finish the two worksheets for thursday
-Hand in the drawings of the cells for tomorrow
French -Cartographe due tomorrow
Music -we have music tommorow so bring your instruments

Notes-Hpv forms due by tomorrow
-Chocolate form due back
-Bring in money for pakistan 10$ per person!
-Dont forget to reply to all the surveys by midnight!


Sorry the last link doesn't work, here is this one.
-Agatha,Rohini and Sofia

How to find our survey

We posted our survey a couple of days ago, so its not on this page. To find it just go to the blog archive and click on 09/26-10/03 (20). scroll down the page and you'll find it!!!
1st post on blog :) :D


Our math project !!

Jon and Eric
Here is the link for our survey. Agatha, Rohini, Sofia.
Here is the link for mine and Tom's survey. Hope you enjoy :)


Here is the link for our(Hilary&Vivian) question
Hey , there is this site that is kind of like wordle but better here is the link: www.tagxedo.com

DMP survey

Jeremy, Sebastian and Vedran survey
Here is Lydia Madison and my form

Oct 3, 2010


I don't get the science homework. Someone H.E.L.P M.E

Queens Seeds In Residence Info

Very Cool Writing Site

Stop Death by Powerpoint