Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Apr 16, 2011

Does anyone know Mrs. Todd's e-mail?

Apr 15, 2011


French: Elections Test on April 26 and invention projects for May 11.
English: Dumbest Generation
Music: Composition projects for next class; mini test0n first 2 bars of #58
Drama: dances

Have a great night!

Apr 14, 2011

Glogster Link

For those of you looking to create something different for your poster, here is an example of what Glogster allows you to do. It may take a few moments to load.


Apr 13, 2011


French: Elections test on March 26 and student vote will take place the next day.
Math: Corrections for Thursday and Retest on Friday
Music: Composition projects for next week and music mini test on the first two bars on #58.
English: Dumbest generation responses for before April 16. Read the chapter you're working on, discuss it, and think about your poster
Drama: Dances MUST be presented next week. Please be prepared!

Have a great night! :)

Apr 12, 2011

California Gurls Group-Dance

Costume for tomorrow's dance:
Flip-flops (if you have extras please bring some)
Bright coloured t-shirt
Black pants/shorts/leggings/whatever
Easy to put on hoodie for Snoop Dog part
***If you have sunglasses or extras please bring
THANKS!!! See you tommorow!!!!! <3


Music: Composition projects for tomorrow.
Drama: Dances will be presented tomorrow!!! Be ready with your props and dance moves!
Math: Corrections for math test must be done and handed in by Thursday. Anyone who got 6/11 or less may have a retest that will be held on Friday.
English: Responses for the 2nd quotes for before April 16th. Read the preface, introduction, and 1st Chapter of the Dumbest Generation because we will be discussing that at some point. Read your assigned chapter and think about presentations.

Day of Pink is tomorrow!!! Wear pink and bring your money.

Have a great night! :)
Hi! Does anyone know what M. O'brien e-mail is?

Reason #2 - comment before April 16

They don't read books -- and don't want to, either

"It's a new attitude, this brazen disregard of books and reading. Earlier generations resented homework assignments, of course, and only a small segment of each dove into the intellectual currents of the time, but no generation trumpeted aliteracy ... as a valid behavior of their peers.''

Apr 11, 2011


Health: Quiz tomorrow
Music: Composition project for April 13.
Drama: Dances will be presented on April 13. Be ready!
English: Dumbest generation responses are due before April 12.

Day of Pink is happening on April 13th!

Have a great night!!!

Apr 10, 2011

On the Greener Side

 Submissions for On the Greener Side, Volume II are now due. See Mr. Kitz for details.

Ideally, submissions have had a quick check over by you the English teacher. Then they are sent by the student to me as a Microsoft Word attachment in size 12 font, Times New Roman. I am fine with students knowing and using my school e-mail account, david.kitz@ocdsb.ca. No one has abused that privilege. 

Reason #1 - comment before April 12

1. They make excellent "Jaywalking'' targets
Bauerlein writes:

"The ignorance is hard to believe ... It isn't enough to say that these young people are uninterested in world realities. They are actively cut off from them. ... They are encased in more immediate realities that shut out conditions beyond -- friends, work, clothes, cars, pop music, sitcoms, Facebook.''

(you guys are going to love #2 - Mr. O)
This is for the people who don't care what happens on the "other side of the world".

Queens Seeds In Residence Info

Very Cool Writing Site

Stop Death by Powerpoint