Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Jan 7, 2011


Well, here we go with our trek into the classics.  I have started with a list and linked it here.

There is another just for middle school students linked here.

These are just a couple to start with and if you find one, feel free to add it to the comments.  : )

Here is an easy way to determine if you have selected a great classic.  The Newbery Award winning books have the medal on the cover.  Click on the book to see a list of previous award winners.

Jan 6, 2011


Hi guys, here is the homework:

Math~ Geometry pages are due tomorrow

English~ Choose your book for book report for tomorrow

French~ Dictee on Tuesday

Science~ Science fair project

History~ Family project

Music & Drama~ Jingles, commercial and body surfers

And also tomorrow is the music enrichment so people who are going don't forget to bring in stuff that you need! Bring in the permission form Mr.Oickle gave us.

Jan 5, 2011


Okay here is our homework for today:

Math~Finish the 4-5 pages of geometry for Friday.

English~You must choose a book by Friday and run through it with Mr.Oickle and also tomorrow is out in class spelling bee so if you want to participate get ready for that.

French~ The dictée is for next Tuesday

History~The family project is due in the week of January 17th, and also don't forget to bring in your Trois Mousquetaires book to Mr.O'Brien.

Science~Science fair project

Music & Drama~ Jingles, Commercial and body surfers

Bring in your permission form for Music Enrichment and also the one from Mr.Oickle. Think that's about it, sorry if I missed anything.

Jan 4, 2011


Here is the homework for today:

English~Bring a newspaper to school for Thrusday.
~ Choose a book and go over it with Mr.Oickle by Friday.

History~The family project is due the 20th of January.

Science~Science project.

Music & Drama~ Body surfers, commercial and jingle.

And also the in-class spelling bee is this Thursday so people who want to try be ready for it!

Jan 3, 2011

Is it just me or did M. Obrien never actually talk to us about the family immigration project? He only mentionned I think but I just want to know if I'm not the only one.

Words Hurt - a bullying video

just thought i'd show this because we were talking about this before the Christmas break also today . I remember watching this a couple of years ago ,


Hey Guys! So here is the first homework blog of this year! :)

English~Find a book for your book report and talk it over with Mr.Oickle before this Friday.
~Wordles for December and November are for tomorrow.
Math~People who still havn't finished pages #1-10 on the math book need to finish those ten pages.
History~The family immgration project is due: January 20th .
Science~ Science project, keep working on it!
Music~Body Surfers.
Drama~Commercial and jingles.

I'm pretty sure that's it so have a great night!

Jan 2, 2011


Which day is it tomorrow? (1,2,3,4, or 5)

Queens Seeds In Residence Info

Very Cool Writing Site

Stop Death by Powerpoint