Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Jan 5, 2011


Okay here is our homework for today:

Math~Finish the 4-5 pages of geometry for Friday.

English~You must choose a book by Friday and run through it with Mr.Oickle and also tomorrow is out in class spelling bee so if you want to participate get ready for that.

French~ The dictée is for next Tuesday

History~The family project is due in the week of January 17th, and also don't forget to bring in your Trois Mousquetaires book to Mr.O'Brien.

Science~Science fair project

Music & Drama~ Jingles, Commercial and body surfers

Bring in your permission form for Music Enrichment and also the one from Mr.Oickle. Think that's about it, sorry if I missed anything.


DjFaiza said...

do we have to present the jingles on friday ?

Hilary said...

I thought the dictee was for Friday not Tuesday?!

Vivian said...

It's next Tuesday, since most of us are going to the Music Enrichment.

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