Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Mar 25, 2011


English: Anthologies for Monday.
Music: Composition projects for March 30th.
Drama: Dances
Science: Don't forget! We are doing an experiment on Friday.

Student survey forms for March 31st. 411 Girl's presentation form for ASAP.

Have a great night!

Mar 24, 2011


OMG, sorry! Completely forgot about the homework!!!
French: Dictée non-préparée tomorrow
English: Anthologies for Monday.
Music: Composition for March 30th
Drama: Dances
Math: Battleship and essential skills for 2morrow!

Student survey forms for March 31st and those pink forms for ASAP!

Have a great night!

Mar 23, 2011


French: Dictée non-préparée for futur simple and proche
English: Poetry anthologies for Monday
Math: Battleship and essential skills for Friday.
Music: Composition project for March 30th
Drama: Dances

Hand in the student survey forms by March 31.

Have a great night!

Mar 22, 2011

Wordle thingy

Hi just wondering one thing why on the bottom of our blog do we have a wordle with all of our names??

Also no offense to you all but like I was looking at our blog and nocticed that the wordle thing Sierra and Viv's name were alot larger then the others. I'm presuming that it was just to show who made the wordle thing. I'm just pointing this all out cuz like arent we all equal?????

I personally think we should all have the same size name since we are a family: We are 8H a great group of kids going to school arent we??

If you wanted to say it was by Sierra and Viv just post it on there and post a little tag at the bottom saying By Sierra and Viv.

Anyone else see that at the bottom of the blog??


English: Poetry projects for Monday
Math: Battleship boards and Essential Skills for Friday.
Music: Composition projects for March 30th.
Drama: Dances
Phys.Ed: Just a reminder that starting tomorrow, gym is now Health for 3 weeks.

Student survey forms for ASAP.

Have a great night!

Mar 21, 2011


Math: Essential Skills and battleship boards for Friday.
English: Poetry anthologies for Monday.
Phys.Ed/Health: Starting tomorrow, we will be doing health... *sigh*
Music: Composition Projects for March 30th.
Drama: Dances.
French: The L3M projects should be in, but just in case they aren't, GET IT IN!!

Student survey forms for ASAP!

Have a great night!

Queens Seeds In Residence Info

Very Cool Writing Site

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