Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Dec 4, 2010

Mini enrichment

How do you register for courses for mini enrichment? I don't have my user-name or password and I thought that the registering date is Monday!!!!!

Food Bank

Hey everyone I just wanted to bring to the attention of the class the food bank and our learning's in being more empathetic. I know we have talk about how it's not a competition its helping others. We have to look into someone else's perspective who goes to the food bank. If we were to look at their view you would see how they have their struggles and how they need the food bank so they can continue to try and find jobs or other things.

Here is the food bank Ottawa official website: Food Bank

I see it as it's fun to win and try and beat other classes (8F) but we have to think about the competition as more of a minor thing and think more about the people who actually need help the most important thing.

Jon H.

Dec 3, 2010

"Everyone is smart, just in different ways"

Hi guys. I just can't let this one go. This quote from class (Thx. Vivian) on Thursday has been floating around in my head since then. The way you all connected it to the purpose of grades, achievement and student self esteem was brilliant.  Does anyone care to restate or elaborate on their comments from class?


Hi everyone sorry about the homework posting it's my first time but..... here it is:

1.Bring in letter to d'Artagnans father for Monday if you haven't already done so
2. Retest on dictee preparee on Tuesday
3. Also the Migrations article if you are redoing your Geo test

Keep practicing body music (Body Surfers)

Work on your jingle and commercial part for next drama class even though we are gonna be gone to the ballet (Beauty and the Beast)

If you do want to go to the ballet ensure that you bring in your permission form and the $11.00 before Thursday.

P.S. (Rachel wanted me to put this up) RACHEL PLEASE REMEBER TO BRING PENCILS TO SCHOOL ON MONDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Bring in a few dollars for the Food Bank Drive. We have to beat Mr.Behn we are currently losing to his class.

Dec 2, 2010

Food Bank

WE NEED TO BRING IN CANS FOR THE FOOD BANK!!! It's been the same people donating so anyone who hasn't donated yet please bring in cans!!!


Okay guys, so here is the homeowork:

French-The rough copy of the letter is due tomorrow
Science- The 3 questions are also for tomorrow and also think of ideas for the science fair project
Music- Body Surfers
Drama- We will be finishing our tableaus tomorrow so don't forget to bring in your props that you need.

And also tonight we have the full version of the christmas concert so if you are intrested in going it starts at 7:00 and also they will be selling cupcakes for the snowsuit fund for .50$ each.

Have a great night!

Dec 1, 2010

A Geography link

I know that geography isn't the most interesting subject, but this video relates to what we did before and it incorporates "21st century learning". Check it out!

WOW!  If you guys haven't watched this yet,take a look.  It's awesome! Thx Rohini! - Mr. O



Hello guys, here is the daily homework:

French-The Trois Mousquetaires lettre rough draft is due friday.
Science- Finish the questions we did in the lab today, it`s due friday.
Music- Body Surfers, keep working on your parts.

Band Memebers:Our concert is tomorrow, so make sure to bring your instruments and wear black pants and a white shirt.

And also bring in your Beauty and the Beast permisson forms, it`s next week(I think). And keep bringing in those cans(Yes, I know I say that every time but still, we need more cans!) we want to beat Mr.Behn`s class!

Nov 30, 2010

Canspell spelling bee

Hi Hilary here :P

I was just wondering if any of you know when our class spelling is going to be for the canspell thing... Mr Oickle you would probably know but anyways and the little booklet we got is that all the words that we study or is there any other websites that you guys know of that has the words on it...


Here's the homework for today:
-health test tomorrow
-the Trois mousquetaires letter(not sure when due)
-Beauty and the beast permission form
-science questions we got today
-coffre if you haven't done it yet

-music tapping thing
I think that's it, but if there is more make a comment!

Spelling Bee Practice

Here are the previous practice words:

and a word of the day archive.

Nov 29, 2010

Good evening class. :)

So you know how M. O'Brien said if we wanted to up our mark on the geography test, we could find a article and I just wanted to know what exactly we were supposed to do with the article. I didn't understand what he said, it was in french and he was talking fast... LAWL. I think he said ask write and answer your own questions, but I just want some clarification. Also, the article was supposed to be about immigration, right? :/

Thanks, Claire


Here is today's homework!

-Drama: Work on your jingles.
-Music: Keep practicing Body Surfers and band members, please practice the songs!
-English: Procedural Writing 1st draft for tomorrow!
-French: The letter from D'Artagnan to his father, not sure when it is due...

Hand in your permission forms for Beauty and the Beast, and keep collecting cans for the food drive.

Have a wonderful evening! :)

Cool Video

Hi everyone yes I am posting again but I came across this real strong empowering video on Youtube. In our class we may have students who may have seen this video before but I thought that it should be reviewed.

Here is the link: LINK

I personally think that it's its a lesson on perseverance because it shows how all theses famous icons were brought down by others and achieved great milestones in history. This just shows us all how no matter how bad the situation we can all get through it and succeed in our goals.

Jon H.

Mini Enrichment - Hold On

Hi guys. It turns out the folks at Mini-Enrichment have not yet posted the courses for this year.  They will be updated shortly but the course offerings listed currently are for last year. They sent us the email about this today.  I'll let you know when the list has been updated.


Okay people, so here is the daily homework!

English-Procedural writing, first draft is for tomorrow, so finish that.
Health- We have the health test Wednesday.
Music- Theory test this week and body surfers will be presented in two weeks.
Science- People who haven`t presented their system will be presenting tomorrow, so be ready to present.


Think that`s about it ...

Nov 28, 2010

Queens Seeds In Residence Info

Very Cool Writing Site

Stop Death by Powerpoint