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Nov 30, 2010

Canspell spelling bee

Hi Hilary here :P

I was just wondering if any of you know when our class spelling is going to be for the canspell thing... Mr Oickle you would probably know but anyways and the little booklet we got is that all the words that we study or is there any other websites that you guys know of that has the words on it...

1 comment:

Jon H said...

ok here is how it goes you can go onto myspellit.com and they have the list of 2010 words of 1600 words for you too study if you want i am studying it because it not only will help me with my vocab in english it improves your mark by knowing more words. On myspellit.com there are all the words on that website and a print out copy and other cool resource full tips and tricks.

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