Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Nov 29, 2010


Here is today's homework!

-Drama: Work on your jingles.
-Music: Keep practicing Body Surfers and band members, please practice the songs!
-English: Procedural Writing 1st draft for tomorrow!
-French: The letter from D'Artagnan to his father, not sure when it is due...

Hand in your permission forms for Beauty and the Beast, and keep collecting cans for the food drive.

Have a wonderful evening! :)


Rohini said...

Sorry! I forgot that we will be having a theory test in music this week and certain groups will be presenting for science. My Bad!

Anonymous said...

um vivian already posted the homework

Rohini said...

Oh, my bad! Again!

Jeremy Wang said...

and health test on Wednesday

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