Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Jan 13, 2011

Transition to High School

Although it's still a while away, you'll soon be thinking about High School.  I have a few resources for you and your parents available at this site.  It's worth a look before the SRB visit next week. : )


Sorry the homework is late!

English: Novel Study due for Feb. 1 or Jan 28 for others.
Math: Pages 1-10, 30-34, and 11-15 MUST be completed for Monday
Science: Science Fair
History: Immigration project apparently due on the 20th
Drama: Jingles

Reminder, since the Dance Unit is done, we are moving on to health for the next three weeks.

Have a great weekend! :)

Jan 12, 2011


History: Immigration project due on January 17, or the week of January 17 (not sure!)
English: Novel Study
Math: First ten pages, geometry section, and algebra section MUST be completed for Monday.
Science: Science Fair
Music/Drama: Present Salsa Siesta and Body Surfers (for those who haven't done it) tomorrow at lunch recess/ jingles

Bring in the forms for February and Student drug use survey.
Congrats to Sofia and Agatha for doing exceptionally well in the school spelling bee!

Have a great night!

Jan 11, 2011

Music Dates

Please comment to say when you want to present Salsa Siesta. Sierra and I really need them!


History: Immigration project for January 17.
Science: Science Fair project.
English: Novel Study for Jan. 28 or Feb 1
Math: pages 30-34, then 11-15.
Music/Drama: Body surfers/jingle

For everyone, be sure to comment on my other post when you would like to do the Salsa Siesta.

The times are Wednesday and Thursday at lunch only!!!

Have a great evening!

Music Dates

Everyone, don't forget to give me or Sierra a date to do your Salsa Siesta in your Body Surfers group. You can do it Wednesday or Thursday at only lunch recess. Please let us know by commenting on the blog so we can make a list for Ms.Spear.

Shutter Island

Jan 10, 2011

High School

Hey guys,

I just have a couple of questions about high schools and everything. Cause I want to continue french immersion in high school. Do I have to take every subject in french?? I obliviously know that math and English are in ENGLISH. But I'm really not good at science so it would probably be better if it was in English for me. I'm not going to SRB so I have been looking into high schools, because my home school is Bell and my info night is on Wednesday, Mr. O do you the time? I'm pretty sure I read 6:30 but then someone told me that, that time was for the gifted program. So I really don't know. If someone could answer my question it would help. Thanks



Hey guys, I forgot my sheet for the french dictee to morrow so if some one could post/comment on this message to tell me the test, that would be great.


Sorry the homework is late!

French: Dictée tomorrow so prepare yourself for that.
History: Immigration project due on January 17
Science: Science Fair project
Math: Math Booklet pg 11-15 and 30-34 if you are not done
English: Novel Study for February 1st
Music/Drama: Body Surfers/Jingles

Have a great night and check out the video I posted. Really cool!

Jan 9, 2011

Everything is not what it seems...


Just a cool video about illusions. Thought you guys might be interested...

High Schools

FYI - This list details your home school for next year. If your name is not listed, then your home school is SRB.

Faisa - Longfields
Vedran - Woodroffe
Sophia L - Bell
Vivian - John McCrae
Jon L - Longfields
Eric - Merivale
Aggie - Bell
Jeremy - Longfields

Everyone else - SRB

If you are thinking of a transfer, you MUST register at your home school first and then apply for a transfer.  For more info on the transfer policy/process, click here.

Queens Seeds In Residence Info

Very Cool Writing Site

Stop Death by Powerpoint