Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Dec 10, 2010

Mini Enrichment Forms

So, I have printed out the application form for mini enrichment, but where do I send it?


Hi everyone, even though we didn't have that many classes today, we STILL have homework, so here it is:

Math~ Pages #1-10 are for Monday
Music~We are presenting our body surfers next Day 1
Science~Research and proposal for science fair project

There is a pot luck on Friday so prepare food but NO, junk food, pop, and candy(Mr.Oickle's rules). So have a GREAT weekend!

Dec 9, 2010


Hey guys, sorry the homework is a little late, we don't have that much homework we only have:
-The math test on Monday on pages 1-10
-Science fair project, research and topic
-Music = body surfers and #14 in the book
-Drama; keep working on your jingles/commercials
There's also the field trip tomorrow, Beauty and the Beast I think Adrianna is in it or something. Anyway, if you want Mummies yummies, bring in your permission form for whenever to get it after winter break!

Dec 8, 2010

8F Blog

hey everyone so it seems as 8F has a blog well we can subscribe and follow their blog currently they were asking Mme.Todd about a double point day for the food drive but there is none so hmm that's it i will post more info about their blog later when cool stuff comes up but that's it for now


Hi guys,

Math~Test next Monday on pages #1-10, from the math book
Science~Science project, keep working on it!

Beauty and the Beast permission form is due by tomorrow, so if you want to go and haven't handed in your permission form do it NOW! And also Mommy's Yummies food forms are due Friday. KEEP BRINGING IN THOSE CANS!!!Ummm I think that's it.

And I know Sofia has already said so but, now 8F has their own blog so if you want to check it out, here is the link.


8f has made blog!
Their blog

Pears rock!
Pears eat cows!

Dec 7, 2010

Math: Pythagorean Theorem

Hi everyone i just wanted to add a website on to our discussion and math problem with the triangle so i just found this website because i wanted the Pythagorean theorem to be a little more clear so i found the website and it is really a cool website because it explains a whole bunch of different situations about the right triangle and how to use the theory for determining if a triangle is a right angle or a equilateral or scalene and so on. This website is not only for our geometry stuff it has a bunch more about all types of math from math games to worksheets and a dictionary also from algebra to measurement.

Here it is: Math Website

Jon H.


Hey people!

Math~ Finish your triangle/square drawing for tomorrow
Science~Finish the weight lifting sheet due tomorrow

Bring in your beauty and the beast permission form and also for mommy's yummies. I think I'm forgeting something but I forget what....

Anyways, bye!

Dec 6, 2010


Okay people here is the.. HOMEWORK

French~ The retest dictee is tomorrow, and also hand in your letter if you haven't already
Music~Practice your Body Surfers and #14
Drama~ Keep working on your jingle and the commercial skit
Science~ Keep thinking of ideas for the science fair project if you haven't already thought of one

The ballet permission form is due Thursday if you want to go. And also Mommy's Yummies forms are due Dec. 10th which is this Friday.

P.S: Here is the paragraph for the french dictee for anyone who needs it:

Le Cardinal de Richelieu a interdit aux mousquetaires de faire des duels. D'Artagnan a recu(there's an accent on the "c", you know like the one on garcon) de son père une épée. A( there's another accent on the "A", I think you can figure that one out) Meung, il s'est fait voler sa lettre. Avec le médicament de sa mère, D'Artagnan se remet vite sur pieds. M. de Tréille lui donne une lettre pour aller au collège royal. Meme s'il est noble, D'Artagnan est assez pauvre et il n'a que onze pièces d'or pour faire sont voyage et il est obligé de vendre son cheval. Comme lui, Bicarat est un Gascon. Il est étrange n'est-ce-pas qu'Aramis a échappé un mouchoir de femme.

I hope that helps!!!

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