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Dec 7, 2010

Math: Pythagorean Theorem

Hi everyone i just wanted to add a website on to our discussion and math problem with the triangle so i just found this website because i wanted the Pythagorean theorem to be a little more clear so i found the website and it is really a cool website because it explains a whole bunch of different situations about the right triangle and how to use the theory for determining if a triangle is a right angle or a equilateral or scalene and so on. This website is not only for our geometry stuff it has a bunch more about all types of math from math games to worksheets and a dictionary also from algebra to measurement.

Here it is: Math Website

Jon H.


Rod Oickle said...

Nice site Jon! I've also posted a video. Don't lose sight of the real life example that we are using and why. Understanding the various obstacles and challenges that come into play when we apply it in a real life situation is critical. Feel free to ask any questions...

Rohini said...

I just wanted to mention something about the website. On the website, it says that Pythagoras was the one that thought of the Pythagorean Theorem when in fact, it was thought of by Indian mathematics, and Pythagoras took credit for it. Just FYI...

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