Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Nov 19, 2010

Science project

Just a reminder to everyone in the système nerveux group to practice their lines for the skit and be prepared to present on Monday!:)


Hey, everyone,
I found this website, just to wrap up anti-bullying week, with two stories about bullying. In the second story about Kayla, she thought it was going well with the "popular girls" since they had been nice to her. She then found out one of the popular girls posted something mean and nasty about her. I think we all have to realize that whatever we do, whether on facebook, twitter, myspace or any other social networking application, we have to make sure we take a minute to think and read about what we are about to post and to not be impulsive. If we all did that there would not be cyberbullying. Also, what we post reflects on our character.

Here is the websites url: WEBSITE



Geography~Migration quiz, sometime next week
French~Dictée is on Thursday on chapter 5, and also the letter, you can start forming ideas for it.
English~Work that hasn't been handed in for Monday.
Science~Project, you are presenting either Monday or Tuesday, depending on what Mme.Treitz told your group.

Also bring in more cans for the food drive, we need them! :)

Think that is about it have a GREAT weekend, and see you next week.

Nov 18, 2010


Does anyone (who has the book) know what the last number in the equation on pg.6 q.6 e) is in the math package? I have the photocopied sheets and the number is cut off... =)

My Group

Hey, my group is Maddie(me), Faisa, Parag, and Sofia. So, how do you guys like this, I'll finish the drawing of the appariel locomoto, and you guys will do the script, I think Faisa said she was going to start that to night. Anyway, it's due monday and we need it done. So, you guys, being Parag, Sofia and Faisa, will split up the work and it'll be a brease. Since there is 3 of you guys, each of you can do 2-4 questions on the appariel locomoto and the answers, so it wont be such a big deal. We can ask Mme. Todd/Treitz if we can practice in the hall before presenting. This way, every one is doing something but not too much. It'll be a breaze!


Here is the homework,

-Music~Body Surfers, keep practicing
-Science~Systems project groups are presenting Monday or Tuesday, so be ready.

Don't forget to bring cans for the food drive or anything else.

I think that's all!

Nov 17, 2010

Thank You

Hi everyone I just wanted to say thanks to all the people that post the homework because i don't think they get much recognition. I personally think it is a life saver because sometimes the odd time I might just missinterpret some words of the teachers about homework and to think I have the confidance that these great people will help us all and come through all the time and save us.



french-coffre due tommorow
Science-Research for project

Nov 16, 2010


Hey everyone, what is up with the geography test next week? What's it on? If you can leave a comment or make another post to help me out, that would be great!
Research, ideas for skit, work on presentation. either or.

For the science project...

For everyone in our science group,  here is the link to a picture of the nervous system, if you need it,



Sorry guys. i was sick today. hope i didnt miss anything TOO big.
if you guys can just fill me in on anything i missed that would be great!


Science-Research for your project
English-Hand in anything that needs to be handed in (anti-bully post)
French-Test next week on geographie

Nov 15, 2010


English-Respond to anti-bully videos by Friday-  Mr. O : )
French-Good copy of "Le coffre" is due thurs.
Science-Explain how the heart works and how it produces oxygen.

Anti-Bully Week Assignment

While our efforts to start this topic last week got sidetracked, we're going to try it again.  Have a look at both videos posted and prepare and post a comment to this post.  Be sure to take some time on this one and try to make a few connections. It's a topic that impacts us all at some level, so try to convey your thoughts effectively. Please have your comment on the blog by Friday. This one will be formally evaluated. : )

Queens Seeds In Residence Info

Very Cool Writing Site

Stop Death by Powerpoint