Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Nov 18, 2010

My Group

Hey, my group is Maddie(me), Faisa, Parag, and Sofia. So, how do you guys like this, I'll finish the drawing of the appariel locomoto, and you guys will do the script, I think Faisa said she was going to start that to night. Anyway, it's due monday and we need it done. So, you guys, being Parag, Sofia and Faisa, will split up the work and it'll be a brease. Since there is 3 of you guys, each of you can do 2-4 questions on the appariel locomoto and the answers, so it wont be such a big deal. We can ask Mme. Todd/Treitz if we can practice in the hall before presenting. This way, every one is doing something but not too much. It'll be a breaze!

1 comment:

Hilary said...

just 2 let u know maddy "brease/breaze" is spelled breeze...

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