Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Nov 17, 2010

Thank You

Hi everyone I just wanted to say thanks to all the people that post the homework because i don't think they get much recognition. I personally think it is a life saver because sometimes the odd time I might just missinterpret some words of the teachers about homework and to think I have the confidance that these great people will help us all and come through all the time and save us.



Rohini said...

I agree with Jon. Thanks to everyone who posts the homework! You are all greatly appreciated!!! :)

ClaireB. said...

I agree! I've always been terrible at remembering my agenda so yes, thanks alot , you are lifesaavvverrss!

Sofia said...

I agree too!Thank you homework posters.

Anonymous said...

your welcome!!! But its mostly viv who does the clipboard and she is amazing at it!!!

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