Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

May 21, 2011

The Bet Questions

1.What is the narrator's point of view presented in the story? Provide the evidence from the text to support your answer.

2.Identify any possible bias that might have influenced the narrator's POV support your answers with evidence from the text.

3.Whose voice(s) or opinion(s) are missing from the text?

B. Select one of those missing voices. What might this voice want to say? Explain your thinking.

May 19, 2011


Since no one else posted the homework , i guess i'll do it.

Drama: Dance
English: Dumbest generation comments and rewrite your answer for The Bet
Music: Mini test on Friday #78 last two bars. Term test on June 6. Pick any one these songs: 91,97, 98, 99 , 104 or 106 (Full song)


Jeremy don't forget your usb for the dance.

May 17, 2011


Hey, I just wanted to say goodbye and good luck at Toronto. I wish I was coming, oh well. Have fun!

Rachel and Hilary: I really you guys to read Catching Fire, okay, so you better hurry up, I mean, Hilary, you've had the book for ,like, over a week and your only on page 32. So, please please hurry. Plus, please read the other books I gave you guys, Divergent and Maze Runner, they're almost better than Hunger Games! You know that they must be good!
have fun!

May 16, 2011


French: Map of Asia
English: Dumbest generation responses
Drama: Dances
Music: Mini test on Friday #78 last two bars. Term test June 6 (perfect, my birthday...); Pick any one of these songs: 91,97,98,99, 104,106 (FULL SONG).

Toronto Band members, hand in your permission forms!
Have a great night! :)

Reason #5 - Comment Before May 23

Grand Theft Auto IV, etc.
The stats tell the story here. First week's sales: $500 million. The sales of GTA dwarf movie premieres, CD sales, or, Bauerlein notes, book sales. All that video use, Bauerlein says, has hurt in the classroom, too. Thousands of Massachusetts public school graduates are ending up in remedial reading and writing classes in college, according to a Globe story.

Reason #6 - Comment Before May 23

They don't store the information

"For digital immigrants, people who are 40 years old who spent their college time in the library acquiring information, the Internet is really a miraculous source of knowledge,'' Bauerlein says. "Digital natives, however, go to the Internet not to store knowledge in their minds, but to retrieve material and pass it along. The Internet is just a delivery system.''

Reason #7 - Comment Before May 23

Because their teachers don't tell them so

Or because their parents don't check their bedrooms at midnight to halt the instant messaging..."Kids are drowning in teen stuff delivered 24/7 by the tools, and adult realities can't penetrate," Bauerlein says. Another factor: "It's the era of child-centered classrooms and self-esteem grading.''

Reason #8 - Comment Before May 23

Because they're young

Do you remember how stupid you were when you were a teen-ager? Or all that you didn't know -- and thought you did? And the skills you gained by holding back on foolish comments? Oh, the now-old guy in this picture? He once wrote: "I was so much older then/I'm younger than that now.''

May 15, 2011

Audio project

Mr.Oickle, does the audio project have to be around 30 seconds ?

In total, 30 seconds long. : )

Dance - vedran ,raj ,seb, jeremy and tom

we're going to present tomorrow for mrs. spanglett. so be prepared

California Gurls Group-Dance

Claire, Rachel, Hilary, Vivian, Madison, Sophie and Lydia,

We will be presenting our dance to Mrs. Spanglett sometime on Monday or Tuesday so have your costumes ready, please!!! The next Day 1 will be no good once again because the Toronto Band members of our group will be absent. Thank you!!!


P.S. I will be bringing my iPod for music but could some other people bring theres in case. Thanks again!!! See everyone tomorrow :)

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