Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Jan 1, 2011

Umm a question for Mr Oickle, since Jan 3rd is a public holiday, why in the world is there school...? Just wondering, cuz i was planning to be in Ottawa ON Monday, so ya.


Happy New Year

Hey everyone, whats up? I just want to say Happy New Year! Can't wait for Monday! Well, I can but I don't really have a choise, so, see you then! (And I just want to say, I was the first to post in 2011! )

Dec 26, 2010


Hey guys, hows the holidays so far? Does anybody know what we are supposed to do for homework? 'Cause Mr.O said we would have 2 assignments during the holidays and so far I see none, so what do we have for home work!

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