Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Dec 26, 2010


Hey guys, hows the holidays so far? Does anybody know what we are supposed to do for homework? 'Cause Mr.O said we would have 2 assignments during the holidays and so far I see none, so what do we have for home work!


Anonymous said...

well we have to work on our science project

Sofia said...

don't remind him about the homework!

Lydia said...

ya science project and the math book.

Rohini said...

What about that family immigration assignment? I am pretty sure that is also due sometime in January.

Sophie said...

the math book?!?!? i didnt bring the math book home!!!

Aggie said...

Does anyone have the questions for the family immigration assignment? I forgot mine @ school and I want to try and finish it...

Tom J-L said...

ya, im gonna need to catch up a lot at school cause i forgot many things at school

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