Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Oct 15, 2010

Check My new blog

Hey guys, check out my new blog. It's called "videos." I know the name is lame, it's because i couldn't think of a different name. Anyways check it out there's some funny videos ;-)


Hey guys, sorry the homework is posted a little late, but here it is:

~Science-Cell project is due next Friday or the Monday after that.
~Geography- There is a test sometime next week so study on the geographie humaine, basically all the notes we took during class.
~Music-Mini test on #9 for next week, when you repeat, don't do the first ending, just skip, and do the second one.

Since a few people have been asking me, here is the site that is like wordle, but you can change it into shapes instead of just clouds. But for this site you have to download it first. This is it.

And I think that's about it. Have a great weekend!


what do we have for homework?

Oct 14, 2010


I know either Mr.Oickle had no time or does not know what My groups subject is , so I am going to post this video to watch , please watch it is very interesting!   
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mT1rodfjrnkThanks ,


Khadijah's Story

I want to thank Mr.Oickle for support our group's perspective on literacy. I think that this is a good video because it shows how people really want to go to school and want to be literate. In this case, Khadijah (I hope I spelled it right...) shows how grateful she is for being able to read and write and she shows what she can do now that she has the ability to read and write. It makes us feel grateful that we go to school and we learn something everyday. Inspiring video!

Missed Presentations

Hi guys.  Just a quick note to thank you for your patience and cooperation today.  You did a great job...even with your names on the board. : ) Just a couple of quick things; first - I need the titles of the presentations you did with Mr. Hartnett and the names of any groups who have not yet presented and second - Ms. Russell is looking for a couple or few volunteers to help her class learn how to use the blog.  They are stuck at the "we don't know how to post" and "do we need a gmail account" questions.  Any volunteers will go to work with 10-15 of her students in the lab and then actually post the instructions on her blog for her students. Let me know f you're interested. Enjoy your evening.
And a HUGE good luck to our cross country runners.
I don't have the sheet with the microscope words on it, so if someone has time could they post the words we're supposed to study? I pretty sure was absent that day, and I saw someone had that sheet.. I'm pretty sure there aren't that many words so if someone had time that would be a HUGE favor.

Thanks- Claire.


sry made a mistake science is actually 5 period not 1 forgot that tomorrow was day 3 not day 4 because of thansgiving on monday!! :)
Hey,you know how Mr.O was telling us how to study and stuff? Well, I can't remember when he said we should study? I know it's not during/after meals and not right before bed, and not right after school, so when do we do we study?

Today's Homework!!!!

The homework for today is...

Science: Study for Microscpoe test tomorrow (even if you have x-country because science is 1 period!!)
Music: Keep practicing #9 for the test next week
Geography: Study your notes for the test on la geographie humaine next week
English: Make sure you have your wordle, recount etc. if you still haven't conferenced with Mr Oickle
And thats it!! :) :P

Oh yeah and don't forget to bring in your money if you want to buy ice cream or chocolate tomorrow!!

Oct 13, 2010

Other Homework!!

Ok I just found out the other homework you have to go to the blog archive and click on 10/03-10/10 and then Mr Oickle's post will be there... you basically just have to watch the video Where is the Love and then write a response about it that applies to the class, school, world and so on...
:) :)

Questions for Geo....:)

hey Everyone! I wrote down the Q's for geography. and sebastian and others asked me to post them so hear they are:
(i didnt write down the first one cause it's the graph)

2. Qu'est-ce que tu remarques au sujet de ce graphique? (2 remarques)

3. Qu'est-ce que l'information sur les statistiques de 1984 à 2004 peut te dire? Est-ce que qu'il y a des changements importants? Quelles sont les causes au ces changements?

4. D'après toi, aprés le café quels sont autre produits d'exploration principale dans le monde?

Have fun...................................................................................................................


Homework :P

Here is the homework for today...

Music: Practice #9 for the test next week
Science: Study your microscope sheet for the test this Friday
Geograph: Finish geography questions and graph
Literacy: Make sure you have your wordle, recount etc for tomorrow's discussion

Also bring in your money if you have sold your whole box of chocolate and I forgot the assignment Mr.Oickle gave us during gym... does anyone remember...

Oct 12, 2010

Hey everyone! I went onto tagxedo and made my wordle but I can't seem to figure out how to print it off or how to email it to Mr.O,please help me if you know what to do! Thanks.


do we have any french homework due tomorrow?


The homework for today is...

Science: Bring materiels for cell project if you haven't done it already and study for microscope test on Friday
Math: Send your powerpoint to Mr.Oickle if you've already presented
Literacy: Make sure you have all your assignments ready for Thursday (wordle, recount, etc.) as we will be having a discussion about it
Music: Keep on practising for music to fill in your charts

If you are selling chocolate don't forget to bring your money in and I think that's it...


Hi everyone.  I added a few video clips on the topics presented today and as you requested, I placed the death by ppt clip below.  Please ensure that you have all of your literacy assignments and wordles prepared and with you in class for Thursday when we conference about your progress to date. We will be discussing the items identified in the learning skills and work habits (see below) as well as overall literacy expectations.  Think about any questions you have about your progress to the meeting.

Queens Seeds In Residence Info

Very Cool Writing Site

Stop Death by Powerpoint