Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Oct 12, 2010


Hi everyone.  I added a few video clips on the topics presented today and as you requested, I placed the death by ppt clip below.  Please ensure that you have all of your literacy assignments and wordles prepared and with you in class for Thursday when we conference about your progress to date. We will be discussing the items identified in the learning skills and work habits (see below) as well as overall literacy expectations.  Think about any questions you have about your progress to the meeting.

1 comment:

Rohini said...

Whoa. I think that the three videos that were posted up were very interesting. The one about the tapped trailer had a lot of sad, but intriguing fact about plastic usage and how much affect it is doing to the world. The video about the 100 mile diet seemed like a cool show to watch. I would really like to see what it would be like to only live on the food that is within 100 miles of where you live. And for the body image one, I really like that instead of getting psychologists or adults to say their opinion, they had the kids give their opinion and thoughts about body image. Very interesting videos!

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