Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Oct 14, 2010

Hey,you know how Mr.O was telling us how to study and stuff? Well, I can't remember when he said we should study? I know it's not during/after meals and not right before bed, and not right after school, so when do we do we study?


Anonymous said...

before dinner, after school?

Hilary said...

yahh rohini's right its before dinner and then after school...

ClaireB. said...

before you eat, and not with caffien or sugary drinks just water. also with 20 minutes of studying then a 15 10 min. break im pretty sure. :)

Rohini said...

Well, I didn't leave a comment, you know, except for this one....

Hilary said...

sry i meant rachel
lol :P

Hilary said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

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