Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Oct 14, 2010

Today's Homework!!!!

The homework for today is...

Science: Study for Microscpoe test tomorrow (even if you have x-country because science is 1 period!!)
Music: Keep practicing #9 for the test next week
Geography: Study your notes for the test on la geographie humaine next week
English: Make sure you have your wordle, recount etc. if you still haven't conferenced with Mr Oickle
And thats it!! :) :P

Oh yeah and don't forget to bring in your money if you want to buy ice cream or chocolate tomorrow!!


sebasten said...

isnt the coffee exportation due friday?

Anonymous said...

we actually have science 5th period

Rohini said...

Be sure to work on the cell model too!

ClaireB. said...

When is the sceince test? :S And the music test is next weeek right..?

Hilary said...

science test is tomorrow...

Rohini said...

The music test is next week! Practice, practice, pracitice! :)

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