Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Oct 22, 2010


Today's homework is...

French: Hand in your rough copy for the french story
Music: Keep practicing!!
Science: Finish your 3D cell model for Monday and you will not get time to work on it on Monday either
Drama: Find some props for your tableau

Have a great weekend!!!! :P :)

Oct 21, 2010

hey guys... im studying for geography right now can some one please explain to me what a bidonville is again I KEEP ON FORGETING...thanks


(check out my blog and COMMENT PLEASE)


Hey everyone, do you know where Mr.O'Brien posted the jeopardy game quiz on his blog? Cause I asked him and he said he posted it already but, I looked and couldn't find it. If you know where it is or what it's labled, don't bother making a comment just make a new post. It'll be easier this way, for me anyway. LOL! If you do know how to find it, please make a post, call me, DO WHAT EVER IT TAKES! thx


So the Homework for tonight is...

French: Work on your story and study for the geography test tomorrow!!
Literacy: Bring in your permission forms for World of work and the hockey game
Music: Keep practicing to fill up your charts!!
Drama: Find some props for your tableau


Oct 20, 2010


Hand in your permission form for class field trip, Start your story for french... not sure when its due..., practice music!!, Bring props for tableau!!

Have a good day!!


I think we only have to study for the geography test on Friday, but other than that I think that's it. If I did miss anything it's not my fault this is the first time I've done the Homework. Incase I did miss anything you can make another post, I don't really care. Grade 8 girls got 3rd out of however many schools! Yay them!

Oct 19, 2010

Check out my new blog

Hey guys, here's my new blog called "Videos" http://djfaiza-coolvideos.blogspot.com/
Hey, does anyone know what we are supposed to study for the french geography test this friday? If you do, please comment to this post. Thanks!

My Blog

Everyone I made my blog i haven't added anything on it except for a couple of posts but be sure to check it out later for some deets in entertainment and music... Check it out by clicking here!!!

the address is www.musicismylife-sophie.blogspot.com



Today's homework...

Comment on your favourite book tonight for english, Hand in your permission form for the field trip, study for test on geographie humaine on Friday and practice #9 for music test tomorrow

That's it have a great day!!

Today's Reading

1. Encounter
2. Woolvs in the Sitee
3. Voices in the Park
4. Listen to the Wind

Today we looked at 4 meaningful books.  Write a short response (comment) including; which book did you enjoy most and why? Which was the most challenging to understand or relate to and why was it hard to relate to? If you need a bit more background to better understand the text, have a look at the reviews on the linked pages above.
Have a great evening!

PS - Friday will be fun!

Oct 18, 2010

Self Pity

I never saw a wild thing
sorry for itself.
A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough
without ever having felt sorry for itself.

Homework for Today!!

Ok so today we have no homework!! jk( i wish)

Real Homework...

Geography: Study your notes for the test on Friday on geographie humaine
English: Hand in your where in your where is the love? report if you haven't already and also make sure you have your wordle, recount etc. ready if you haven't done your conference yet
Music; Keep practicing #9 for the test on day 1 (which would be wednesday)

And I'm pretty sure that's it...

The Cremation of Sam McGee

Please provide your interpretation of the poem.  Ensure that you have read other posts and come to an understanding and interpretation of the poem.  Also be sure to link up unknown words to dictionary.com or wikipedia.  Enjoy.

Oct 17, 2010

Making Blogs

If i made a blog would any of u guys check it out... It would likely be about music... cause im good with that stuff... And or entertainment cause i am also good with that stuff lol.


Should I make one???

Queens Seeds In Residence Info

Very Cool Writing Site

Stop Death by Powerpoint