Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Oct 19, 2010

Today's Reading

1. Encounter
2. Woolvs in the Sitee
3. Voices in the Park
4. Listen to the Wind

Today we looked at 4 meaningful books.  Write a short response (comment) including; which book did you enjoy most and why? Which was the most challenging to understand or relate to and why was it hard to relate to? If you need a bit more background to better understand the text, have a look at the reviews on the linked pages above.
Have a great evening!

PS - Friday will be fun!


Sierra said...

I don't get it. I pressed the link for "Voices in the park" but do I comment on that webpage or do I write my comment here?

Anonymous said...

I think you post here...

Rod Oickle said...

Hi Sierra. The links are to help you make meaning of the texts, especially "Woolvs". By reading the review and comments from other who have read the article, it might help you clarify. Your comments should be made to the 8H blog. : )

Anonymous said...

My favourite book was Woolvs in the Sitee. I liked the way the author wrote the words, it gave it a more creepy feeling. Even though I didn't get to finish the book the plot was really interesting. The hardest one to understand was probably Listen to the Wind, because I don't understand how the man "listened to the wind". So ya... Ooh also, I didn't get to finish reading the encounter either!!

Sophie said...

My favourite book was Voices in the Park. I liked the illisrautions! :) and how it showed different perspective. I didn't understand like Rachel Listened to the Wind. I think you choosed my group ( Vedran, Hilary Sierra, Vivian and me) for the book Encounter because we all have big opinions, and different perspective for things:).( That's what Vedran said, and it makes sense :))

Rohini said...

I mean, they were all good because I like them all for different reasons. I like the Woolvs one because it gave me a challenge to try and understand it. The language used was unusual but intriguing. I like Listen to the Wind because of its illustrations.I also like the Voices in the Park because I enjoy the way it shows the different perspectives of the same situation. But, if I had to choose a favourite, it would be the Woolvs. It has great illustrations and an interesting plot. I think that Mr.Oickle gave us this books because it was about facing your fears and taking risks, and each of us( Claire, Agatha, Jon H., Tom, and me) need to take risks. Actually, it was Tom who had the idea, and I agree with it!

Sierra said...

My favourite book was Voices in the Park. I love how the author made it so you could see and hear the different perspectives of each character. I actually wish the author had included the 2 dogs in the "voices". I thought it would be interesting to hear what they have to say. I think I relate to the character Charles because when he meets new people he's shy and he has a worrywart for a mother. Worrywarts can be good and bad.

Like Sophie said I think you chose for my group to do Encounter because we have strong opinions like the Native boy but we say some things but other things we like to keep to ourselves even if we know it could affect someone or something.

sebasten said...

i like listen to the wind the most because it showed how it is so important to cooraperate

sebasten said...

oh yeah i would like to add why will friday be so fun?

Sofia said...

My favorite book was Voices in the Park because it clearly shows everybody's different perspectives in the writing and illustrations. For example at first all Charles saw was his mother's hat but after he met Smudge all the hats just faded away. And also everything Smudge saw was bright and happy and rainbow.

Sofia said...

It's a surprise

Raj said...

Um i was absent today, as i was unwell. Is there anyway i can get the text's at home, or shall i just wait until tomorrow?

Hilary said...

I liked Voices in the Park the best because it was very interesting how the author put it in different perspectives like Charles the boy and his snooty mother!! There were a lot of things that you can make a connection in this book.

The hardest book to read was defintely the "Woolvs in the Sitee" because of how the words were written and also because it was a little confusing to understand who exactly were the "Woolvs" and why mrs. Radinski went missing.Our group could only try and guess what happened by some of the hints that were in the book.

Tom J-L said...

i liked the woolvs in the sitee more than the other 2 i read (voices in the park and lisnetening to the wind) by a huge margin. for some un-apparent reason i just clicked with it. it might have been how it was written phonetically but i think it was probably because of the connection i made. the connection was: the main character's emotional state is very similar to someone i know. the cause? their sense of safety in the world was taken away at a very young age resulting in chronic irrational fear. since i know someone like that i could relate to, and understand book way faster than other books. being afraid of the shadows and percieving them as scary things is natural human behavior at young age but because of a certain incident those fears might last a lot longer like ben's.

at the end of the book, ben says hes not going to be afraid anymore and that we should join him."dont be afraid to risk, if you go out on a limb you might very well succeed. join ben and dont be afraid." that is my interpritation of why Mr.Oikle chose woolvs in the sitee for my group. i think that because Ben decided he was going to risk encountering the woolvs to get out in the world and turn himself around.

all of us in our group have been playing it safe through school (and have to say it's been working out great >:| ) but mr.oikle wants us to go out on a limb and try somthing new. (ahem! fat chance.. JK JK !!)
well thats it,
-Tom J-L

DjFaiza said...

I actually liked Listen to the wind the most. First of all liked it because it was a non-fiction book. And another reason why i liked it because they helped the man (Dr.Greg) even though they didn't know him.
After they helped him, Dr. Greg said that he would come back and help the village. And Dr.Greg DID come back. So this story is about karma and keeping a promise like in the poem about Sam Mcgee. So yeah, i like this book better then the other ones.

Jon Lu said...

I like Woolvs in the Sitee best because it's more interesting. It was also kinda hard to unnerstand. (Thats how it says it in the book)

Encounter is the most easiest for me to relate to. Most grown up don't really listen to children much.

Voices in the Park was kind of hard to relate since not much people help me. But I do help other people a lot.

Do we have a dance on October 29? On the calender in the science room, it said:
(Im so pro with alt codes¿) :P

Jeremy Wang said...

My favourite book was "Encounter" because it was easier to understand and I thought it was really interesting. Like usually we hear stories that Chris Columbus was like a hero for finding America, but though the eyes of a native boy he was a greedy monster who scammed the gold of his people.
The most difficult book to understand was probably "Listen to the Wind" because I really didn't understand why the elder said "listen to the wind" and what it really means.


Lydia said...

my favourite book was Voices in the Park because it was one story with 4 different perspectives. the pictures were nice too.
the one that was hardest to relate to was Woolvs, because i really didnt get the story at all. and it was REALLY hard to read because it was all misspelled. what was the point of it being misspelled anyways??
Listen to the Wind was also interesting because it was a real thing that happened.

Aggie said...

I liked the woolvs book because it gave me a challenge when we were reading it. I didn't really like the "Voices in the Park" one because our group found the meaning more obvious than the other books.(Our group didn't finish "Encounter")and also for raj, I think you have to wait until tomorrow unless you can find them online. =)

Vivian said...

I think my favourite book was Voices in the Park because it was neat to see every character's different perspective, even though they all were at the same place at the same time. Different things happened to each and everyone one of them. It was neat how each "voice" had a different font for their text and the animations that were with them all had different feelings that represented each character's personality and it seemed it was how they felt on life. I really like the illustrastions. In most of the pictures, there are little background details that you might not noticed. It relates to the world because in every situation there is more than just one single perspective.

Parag said...

I have two favorite books out of the four,one was listen to the wind,the other was woolvs in the sitee.
I liked listen to the wind becuase I liked how everyone helped build the bridge,and how when they found the sick american guy(can not remember his name:P)they helped him even though they were not rich and did not have alot of food and other resources to give away.

I liked woolvs in the sitee because for me it had two sides to the story.There was the sad depressing side about the kid dropping out of school,and having no parents,most likely due to a tragic event.There was also a rather comical side because I enjoyed reading the strangely spelled words,such as unnerstand and onie.

I enjoyed all of the four books,but these two were my favorite.

Thanks for reading,and see ya tommorrow :)

Parag :P :P :P

Eric said...

I liked the voices in the park the best because of it's message. I think the message is money doesn't mean happiness, you can still be poor and have an amazing life.

I think that the encounter was the hardest to relate to because no I'm not native and I've seen different races before. And my land has never been taken over by explorers.

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