Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Nov 6, 2010

Next Steps...

Ok guys, so far so good with the blogger learning.  Our next step is labeling.  Each time you make a new post (not a comment), you should add the label at the bottom right corner of the post box.  This allows us to simplify and organize our posts.  Right now we're only going to use labels for Homework posts.  You'll see once you do this that "labels" will start to appear in the bottom of the post you publish.  Just click on homework and voila - there are all the homework post for the year!  Have a super weekend and Happy Birthday weekend to Sophia and Vivian!!

Nov 5, 2010

Website Creating

Here's another website I found that you can create your own website, blog, photo gallery or forums.

I have removed Jon's post here because the site that he recommends is not reputable. If you read the licensing agreement, it states that the contents of any and all sites you create belongs to them.  Not really a problem for us but if you start building a site now, you will want to know that the ideas are your own and not attributed to someone else. : )



Geography-Map is on Wednesday
English-Wordle for what you learned in October

Sign your report cards!!!

Have a GREAT weekend!!!! :D

Nov 4, 2010


Hello fellow 8H classmates,

I was sick again today, people think yes i get to stay home, but when you've stayed home 3 days out of 4 days it's realllyyyy boring.. So the October Wordle: Vivian and Hilary what's that cool site other than wordle, you use to make a wordle???( haha that sounded funny!) I AM COMING BACK TO SCHOOL TOMORROW!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! Unless something bad happens in the next 12 hours... hopefully not *** CROSSING MY FINGERS*** Check out my blog i've spent the last 2 days updating my blog soo CHECK IT OUT!!! Excited Vivian.............. YOUR BIRTHDAY IS TOMORROW BIRTHDAY BUDDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sincerely ( haha such a big word :p),

Sophia Rae Lafleur ~~~Administrator to Music Is My Life

CAN'T WAIT TO COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GMS!~ I Miss You


Today`s homework:

Geography-Map is due next Wednesday
English-Wordle for October for next week
Science-The redo test is tomorrow during lunch recess in Mme.Todd`s room if you want to redo your test.

Sign the bottom portion of your report cards!!!



Hi everyone i am taking the redo test can anyone tell me what the definitions were for part A and the 5 caracteristiques d'un etre vivant it would be helpfull for someone to help me cuz the redo is tomorrow thx

Wordle Challenge!

It's time for us to post our new Wordle which will outline what we have been learning through October to now.  This can and should include all subjects as well as personal learning experiences.  The best submission will be posted on the blog.  It would be a good idea for all of you to do one as it will be assigned for homework next week. : )  Enjoy your evening.

Nov 3, 2010


Hey guys.  I thought Sophia could use a laugh to forget about being sick - see videos.

First thing tomorrow we have Parag's group presenting their data and research for math.  Don't forget!

Also a HUGE THANKS to our painting crew for their awesome work today.  Great job guys!

Ms.Simeone will be teaching tomorrow as I will be in the office.


Hello my Fellow Canadians and Classmates.

I was sick again today 2 for 2... Which is not a good thing :(. I went to the doctors today and they said i have a sinus infection so I'm on medication. And I have to take it 3 times a day so should I bring the pills to school??? I have to bring them to the office right??? So the map for Africa, is that what we were working on at school last week??? Mr Oickle, can I hand it in tomorrow cause I cant type it out... Anything exciting happened in Drama + Music? I might not be coming to school tomorrow. My mom has the impression that the doctor told me not to come to school tomorrow cause I have to do this thing or something I don't know. But I want to come tomorrow cause I've missed 2 days this week!!! AHHHHH!!!!! Staying home is sooooooooo boring :(

Thanks ya'll for the BIRTHDAY WISHES... isn't just lovely being sick on your birthday...

-Sophie :p

Excited for FRIDAY VIVIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ***13***
Can someone please tell me Mr.Oickle's e-mail?


Hello, so here is the homework of the day:

Geography- The Africa map is due next Wednesday
English-Persuasive writing is due today at 6:00 if you haven`t already handed it in, you can either post it here or send him an e-mail

And bring $2 for the students vs. teacher volleyball game for United Way(I think) tomorrow during lunch recess.

Have a good night!

P.S Happy Birthday Sophie!!!!!! :D


What's Mr.Oickle's email?

Nov 2, 2010


For the persuasive writing, it's a rough draft,right? 'Cause I did a rough rough draft, and I want/need to extend it and make it into paragraphs, so I want to know of I need to do that to night. Thanks!
Where is the link for the website that helps you with the writing , please some one help.


Hello! Here is the homework for today:

-Science~ Sign your rubric for the cell project
-French~Grammar test for tomorrow
-English~Persuasive writing for tomorrw, if you need help check the writing site

That's about it. Cya tomorrow! :)

Nov 1, 2010


Hey guys here is the homework:

-Science~Test tomorrow on cells
-French~Grammar test on Wednesday or Thursday, I forget but be ready for Wednesday
-Music~ If you haven't been tested for #9 the testing is on the next day 1 which is on Wednesday

I think that's it and the hockey game was exciting but sadly the 67's lost 2-4 :(

Have a great night!

Hey 8H!

Hey everyone,

I was sick today :( so I didn't attend school. How was the hockey game?? What was the score?? I really wanted to go but i have a fever and all that stuff. So I was told to stay home. I know we have a science test tomorrow did Mme. Todd (Treitz) mention anything important in class today??? Hope everyone had a fun Halloween!


and HAPPY NOVEMBER!!!!! November is the best month of the year in my opinion...

Queens Seeds In Residence Info

Very Cool Writing Site

Stop Death by Powerpoint