Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Nov 2, 2010


For the persuasive writing, it's a rough draft,right? 'Cause I did a rough rough draft, and I want/need to extend it and make it into paragraphs, so I want to know of I need to do that to night. Thanks!


Vivian said...

I think you need to,and it'll save you time the next night if you do it tonight.

Jeremy Wang said...

BEcause i dont want to make a new post im commenting my thingy here

Don’t you just hate having to go to class with your lunchbox, your pencil case and agenda and whatever binders you need for your next two classes, so do I. Isn’t the easiest solution just to go to your lockers and drop all your stuff off in between classes and after lunch. But guess what we are not allowed, why? I haven’t got the slightest clue but I’m guessing it is something around the lines of missing class and having crowded halls.

Think of all the advantages of going to your lockers in between classes. Let’s say lunch just finished, your next class is French literacy do you really want to carry your lunch bag and your French binder around? And you can’t just leave it sitting inside the classroom because chances are there will be another class inside. But that’s just an example, imagine worst case scenario, it is 4rth period just after the 2end lunch break you have music next, so that means you’ll be carrying your lunch bag in one hand, your instrument in the other. But that leaves no space for your music book, and music folder, pencil case and your binder for NEXT class because music is only 1 period. I consider myself lucky because I play the clarinet which is pretty small and after music I have arts &drama.

Don’t even get me started on how crowded the change rooms for gym class are. So in the gym there are 3 classes, so a little more than 60 about have of them should be boys so that means 30 boys are crowded into a small change room with everything they need for next class and their lunchboxes (if gym class is between period 3 to end of the day). And it is a very common event that something goes missing or gets stolen in the change rooms, the items range from ipods, phones ,binders, pencil cases and the list goes on for a long time.

I also think it is better to have a locker time for the students because they can relax and chat for a few minutes so they can concentrate better next class. Also it prevents you for forgetting stuff for your next class because almost every class someone forgets something and has to go to his locker in the middle of class to get it.

Overall I think that the school should allow students to go to lockers in between classes and after lunch because it would make the life of students somewhat easier and allow them to possibly do better in school. And the privilege can be revoked anytime so I say why not.

Rohini said...

That is a really good persuasive piece of writing Wang. Good use of transition sentences and it was pretty funny. Good job!

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