Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Nov 3, 2010


Hello my Fellow Canadians and Classmates.

I was sick again today 2 for 2... Which is not a good thing :(. I went to the doctors today and they said i have a sinus infection so I'm on medication. And I have to take it 3 times a day so should I bring the pills to school??? I have to bring them to the office right??? So the map for Africa, is that what we were working on at school last week??? Mr Oickle, can I hand it in tomorrow cause I cant type it out... Anything exciting happened in Drama + Music? I might not be coming to school tomorrow. My mom has the impression that the doctor told me not to come to school tomorrow cause I have to do this thing or something I don't know. But I want to come tomorrow cause I've missed 2 days this week!!! AHHHHH!!!!! Staying home is sooooooooo boring :(

Thanks ya'll for the BIRTHDAY WISHES... isn't just lovely being sick on your birthday...

-Sophie :p

Excited for FRIDAY VIVIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ***13***


Raj said...

OMG u missed the best thing ever, instead of boring music class, this guy came in with like snakes, Iguana's, Tarantula's and lizards, it was SO cool. We all got to touch the snakes and all of them, and he fed the snake, and there was this Chameleon which he fed live crickets too, it was TOO sick. Im not joking BTW, this happened today :D

Oh well, he's gonna come again. Well GET BETTER SOON!! :P

Lydia said...

happy birthday sophie! :) hope u get well soon! the reptile thing was pretty cool, but u really didnt miss anything other than that. just the beep test in gym class, which ur lucky to have missed. we have the africa map about the TMI due next wednesday, but thats it.

Rod Oickle said...

No Sophie, you didn't miss anything but we missed you BIRTHDAY Girl. Hope you're feeling better. : )

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