Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Nov 1, 2010


Hey guys here is the homework:

-Science~Test tomorrow on cells
-French~Grammar test on Wednesday or Thursday, I forget but be ready for Wednesday
-Music~ If you haven't been tested for #9 the testing is on the next day 1 which is on Wednesday

I think that's it and the hockey game was exciting but sadly the 67's lost 2-4 :(

Have a great night!


Sophie said...

NO!!!! I wish I was there :'(

Rod Oickle said...

Don't forget, retakes are Tomorrow! Smile! : )

Rod Oickle said...

Claire, Eric & Jeremy - Bring your chocolate and money...

Sophie said...

Vivian are birthdays are this week..... BIRTHDAY BUDDIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vivian said...

Sophie I think you meant to say: Vivian and I's birthdays are this week.......

Jeremy Wang said...

@mr oickle I didnt get chocolate...
and also do we have to hand the photo forms bac kto get a retake cuz i lost mine

Tom J-L said...

ya mr oikle my photo's been gone for a while. is it still possible for a retake?

Aggie said...

If you have done your conference with Mme.Treitz and you have your rubric, you need to get it signed. =)

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