Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Apr 9, 2011

Dumbest Generation

Chapter 1: EVERYONE!
Chapter 2: Claire, Lydia, Sophie, Maddie
Chapter 3: Aggie, Eric, Rohini, Tom
Chapter 4: Sierra, Vivian, Hilary, Rachel
Chapter 5: Sebastian, Jeremy, Vedran, Faiza
Chapter 6: Jon H, Jon L, Parag, Raj

Have fun reading!

Apr 8, 2011


English: The dumbest generation question on blog for before April 12th.
Math: Quiz on Monday
Science: Revision sheet for Monday.
Health: Quiz on April 12th
Music: Composition projects for April 13th.
Drama: Dances WILL be presented on April 13th. Be ready!

Whoa, we're actually getting more homework...

Day of Pink on April 13th!

Have a great night!

Apr 7, 2011

Homework Pt.2

Sorry, somehow, my computer isn't letting me edit my own posts...

French: Dictée tomorrow!


Music: Composition projects for April 13th.
Drama: Dances
Health: Quiz on April 12th.
Math: Test on Friday or Monday.

Have a great night!

Apr 6, 2011

Hi everyone this is just a little post about inverse operations. I know some people still find things confusing. I found this website that shows different examples and ways of working with inverse operations. It also goes into some more complicated inverse operations such as square root and exponents and more. Check it out and after you read it if you want there are interactive questions at the bottom. http://mathsfirst.massey.ac.nz/Algebra/InvFun/InvOp.htm Just trying to help a bit! :D Jon


Music: Composition project for next week.
Drama: Dances
Health: Quiz on April 12th
Math: Test on Friday.

Have a great night!
When is the graduation ceremony? My mother wants to know.

Apr 5, 2011


Music: Projects for tomorrow!!!!
Drama: We may be presenting our dances tomorrow or next week.
Math: Algebra sheets. Math test on Friday.

Have a great night!

Apr 4, 2011


Music: Composition project for Wednesday.
Drama: Dances
Math: Algebra math sheets
History: Invention project thingy (he hasn't really talked about it...)

Have a great night!!!

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