Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Feb 25, 2011


Sorry! Completely forgot about the homework!

French: L3M project for March 7th. We start Confederation next week!
English: Collage for Tuesday.
Music: Mini test on the first 4 bars of #47 on next Wednesday.
Drama: Dances
Science: Dictée on Monday (probably).

Grad dance forms are due next week! Happy birthday to Tom and Faiza! Comfy day on March 4th!

Have a great night folks!

This is to Raj

Hey Raj, I just sent you 2 links to see some of Raj's best sences, you better watch them or I'll be really upset, no pressure. I'm pretty sure you like them, I LOVE the first one, so funny. Plus I found out your, I mean Raj's actors name is Kunal Nayyal, I just posted it as my hotmail message thing. Thanks!

Feb 24, 2011


French:Dictée non préparée tomorrow! L3M project for the 7th of March. Finish some of the history papers, if you want.
Drama: Dances
English: What is your name? BHM collage due at some point...
Science: Title Page and dictée tomorrow.
Music: Mini test for first four bars of #47.

Grad Dance and Yearbook for tomorrow! March 4th is Comfy day!

Have a great evening!

Feb 23, 2011


I forgot my science binder at school, so if anyone has the dictée words with them, could you please comment them?



Sorry the homework is so late!

Science: Dictée and title page for Friday
French: Trois Mousquetaires project due on March 7th (I think?).
Music: Mini test for the first four bars of #47
Drama: Dances!
English: What is your name?

March 4th is Comfy Day!
Hand in your yearbook forms by Friday and Grad dance forms for Friday or next Wednesday (I'm also confused about that!)

Have a great evening!!

Feb 22, 2011

I know I should remember this but what was the name of the lady who did the workshop where she treated blue eyed people like African-Americans? I know it was Jane something..


Science: Title page and dictee for Friday
English: What is your name? Hand in your responses for BHM by Monday ( I think) and your book reports ASAP.
Drama: Work on dances!

Yearbook forms for Friday and grad dance forms for next Wednesday.

Have a great evening. Sorry if I missed anything!

Feb 21, 2011

What's Your Name?

I want to go back for a moment and touch on our discussion regarding the adoption of English or Western names for students from other parts of the world.  I'd like you to comment on this practice and also see what you can find online to help us better understand this practice and the potential impact on identity and values....

Kindness Week

Ok guys. I hope you're having a superb 4 day weekend. Here's your chance to exercise your creativity and character. We have to put together a project this week to celebrate kindness week. I have a couple of ideas but wanted to open it up to you first to see if there was anything you thought we could do. Feel free to comment to this post with your ideas or bring them with you tomorrow.

Feb 20, 2011

Even more pics

The other girl is my exchange partner, Apolline.

More photos

For some reason I can only post 5 photos at a time so here some more.

Queens Seeds In Residence Info

Very Cool Writing Site

Stop Death by Powerpoint