Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Feb 24, 2011


French:Dictée non préparée tomorrow! L3M project for the 7th of March. Finish some of the history papers, if you want.
Drama: Dances
English: What is your name? BHM collage due at some point...
Science: Title Page and dictée tomorrow.
Music: Mini test for first four bars of #47.

Grad Dance and Yearbook for tomorrow! March 4th is Comfy day!

Have a great evening!


Anonymous said...

isn't the grad dance form due wednesday? and do we have to give in the 25 dollars with it?

Sophie said...

ya the grad dance form is due wednesday if the 28th is wednesday ( don't know), and i dont think you have to bring in the 15$ im pretty sure you bring the 15$ later in the year... I know Claire is apart of student council with the grad dance so i'll ask tomorrow

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