Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Feb 21, 2011

What's Your Name?

I want to go back for a moment and touch on our discussion regarding the adoption of English or Western names for students from other parts of the world.  I'd like you to comment on this practice and also see what you can find online to help us better understand this practice and the potential impact on identity and values....


Rohini said...


Not really related to identity, but on the same track...

Jon H said...

I think that there is nothing wrong with changing your name. Isn't what we all talked about a bit before how we are trying to fit in and be liked. Well this is just making the people who change their names to feel more comfortable about being in a different country to help them adjust. For example on the cruise I went on a few weeks ago there was a magician and may comment he was amazing but his wife was named Bobby and she had a thick accent which sounded ab lot like a Russian accent. Also there was another case my mom told me this a woman came from China to Vancouver and had to change her name and she chose a guys name but she didn't it was a guys name she just liked the name. People that immigrate with different names are just changing them to help their own cause as Mr.Oickle was talking about jobs. The person with the easier name to pronounce is more likely to get a job then someone who has a name like Yijai Laing right. They change their names for many different reasons. Me my name is Chinese is Wallin Loo not sure how to spell it though. It got changed to Jonathan and my last name was my dad's which changed automatically. I will put a comment following this one with a few links to websites about identity, name origins and westernizing names.

Jon H said...

I did not find a thing about this also I have to do my discour but i commented and i think that is enough.

Aggie said...

I don't really see why changing your name is a bad thing, because having a different name isn't going to change your personality or who you are. If somebody wants to change their name for whatever reason, it doesn't really matter.

Eric said...

I agree with Agatha. Changing your name wouldn't effect your personality. There is no problem with changing your name. However there's a problem with our society. Our society would make up nicknames for your unpronounceable foreign names. Our society is a blender. We try to change our differences so we can all be the same and fit in with the others.

Tom J-L said...

well, i cant say i have very much experience in this area. i think westernized names are there because the child's parents didn't want the kid to be miserable in school. it also might be a lingering effect of assimilation; but thats improbable. again, i can't say much about this. once upon a time, in our world, the human race was born. it was scattered across the globe and the human race evolved differently corresponding to the different climate and terrain. in every different place, a language was formed of some kind, though we have the idea of language in common, they were all different, therefor we have different names and with those different names, we carry our cultures with us. most people from other cultures, Chinese in particular, still have their original names even if they are known by their westernized name. So their western names are almost a translation of their original names. i have a danish name and its directly translated from danish to thomas so there you go. a lot of the time people in the west can't pronounce other cultures names either. western names arent a bad thing, they are very much a good thing. they integrate cultures so they can have friends, which also, indirectly, aids anti-racism.

Anonymous said...

I don't think thats theirs anything wrong with changing your name. Although i have no experience with having two different names. I can imagine how it must feel. I don't really understand why people, mostly chinese people westernize their name. Maybe its because they don't want to be made fun of? or just to make everyones lives a but easier, and have a simple name. Which in my opinion is sort of rude. Its sort of saying, that we don't care enough to pronounce your name right. If one of my friends had a chinese name, I would respect it. I wouldn't make fun of them for being different.

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