Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Feb 25, 2011


Sorry! Completely forgot about the homework!

French: L3M project for March 7th. We start Confederation next week!
English: Collage for Tuesday.
Music: Mini test on the first 4 bars of #47 on next Wednesday.
Drama: Dances
Science: Dictée on Monday (probably).

Grad dance forms are due next week! Happy birthday to Tom and Faiza! Comfy day on March 4th!

Have a great night folks!


Jon Lu said...

Reflections for Monday.

DjFaiza said...

when is the whats your name project due ?

Sofia said...

what's comfy day and how do I submit my grad dance forms?

Rohini said...

Comfy day is where you wear your comfy clothing or pajamas. You could fill it in, scan, and email it to Mr. Oickle ( I am talking about the grad dance form)

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