Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Mar 1, 2011


English: I guess the collage is due tomorrow...
French: L3M project for March 7th
Music: mini test on the first four bars of #47 tomorrow.
Drama: Dances.
Science: Those questions we did today, but I guess you can't really do them cause you don't have the textbook...

Congrats to the Senior Band for getting Silver Standing at Music fest! Comfy will be on Friday! Grad dance forms for Wednesday or Thursday ( I keep hearing different things about it).

Have a great night!

As you now know, the blog is now, bobblebrains11.blogspot.com.

1 comment:

Sophie said...

ok I don't get it, it was bobblebrains, then bobblebrians11, then i tried bobblebrains11 when i got home, and it's back to bobblebrains. So i guess in the end it's www.bobblebrains.blogspot.com :)

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