Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Mar 2, 2011


since no ones posted the homework...

french: les trois mousquetaires project is due monday
we have to basically make a board game or an interview or someother things. its your choice on what you want to do.

math: i don't kno if we're suppose to redo the math sheet or not.

grad forms due tommorow!!!!


Rohini said...

Sorry, I forgot!

Maddie said...

the othr thing is a letter from D'Artagnan to his father, like the one we had to do on the first book, in December.

Maddie said...

and don't forget the weird music assignement with the pictures he gave us today. We have to make a song to go with. I got a war scene!Excited!

Maddie said...

and the grad dance forms are due sometime this week. How much is it again!

Maddie said...

and the poster of what we think is black history month. Have'nt even started

Anonymous said...

ya i thought that was due on tuesday so i didn't put it up

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