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Nov 15, 2010

Anti-Bully Week Assignment

While our efforts to start this topic last week got sidetracked, we're going to try it again.  Have a look at both videos posted and prepare and post a comment to this post.  Be sure to take some time on this one and try to make a few connections. It's a topic that impacts us all at some level, so try to convey your thoughts effectively. Please have your comment on the blog by Friday. This one will be formally evaluated. : )


Aggie said...

I think they're trying to show that there are a lot of bullies, but there are more victims, and if those victims stood up for themselves and others and spoke out, there would be a lot less bullying. And also that peers can play an important role in preventing bullying, because if they stood up for the victims, the bullies/bully would back down. I also think that the victims are afraid to tell someone for fear of being bullied more, but if they stood up for themselves, it would stop.

Rohini said...

These videos were excellent and well done. They both show that even after teachers, parents, and other people constantly tell victims to stand up to their bullies, bullying still. The victims are too afraid to tell someone about it because they think that the bully will hurt them more if the bully finds out that they told on him. The bully and victim may think that it would tattling, but it would actually be telling because it is not to get someone else in trouble; it is for your life to be better.The victims are too scared to even realize why the bullies are so mean. It's probably because they felt lonely and friendless so they bully to release their anger. The bully would also feel better about themselves when they have peers by their side; it make the bully feel powerful when his peers are only with them because they are afraid of them. These videos remind me of Roy Eberhardt in Hoot when he was constantly picked on by his peers because he was the new kid and he wasn't accepted by the bully so he picked on him. The bullying need to stop now and it starts with you and I. Don't stand by; stand up.

Jon H said...

The video on the top is a classic representation of what happens. The "bully" goes and terrorizes the "victim" and then the "peers" of the "victim" just stand there amongst there so called friend who has just been hurt emotionally or physically. Just in the one small part of the video where they all say they are victims they are trying to say to all the victims there is one bully who is destroying the future for others and a bunch of people who the bully has attacked. The victims should then stand up with all of there friends who were bullied and fight back in a strong not physical or mental way on the bully which hurt them. I can definitely make a text to world and text to self connection. My accordance with the bully is that in grade 3 my teacher died :'( but we had no teacher so i was then moved up to grade 4 so the school could fix the problem with the teachers class. In the class i moved up into there was on kid that annoyed them all im not going to go in to detail bu the pushed kids around called them names. So one day we as in my group of friends went back and told our parents and then they told the principal. Our parents didn't know this at the time but my group went back the next week and we stood up to the bully and with the principal and our group never bullied a kid ever again. Now my connection with the world to bullies is that i can almost guarantee that there is almost everyone in the world who has been bullied at sometime in their lives knowing it was bullying or not.

Maddie said...

I think the main problem with standing up to bullying is the fact that nobody really knows how to stand up. In all of the videos and movies and speechs, they never tell you how to stand-up. So, usually, if you try standing up for yourself, you'll get in trouble by a teacher, or you just take it. If you do do the inbetween way, it doesn't even my them think. Anyway,these videos don't mention how to stop it either. But, it does say there are lots of bullies, and that it's so easy to bully and it takes an affort to say something nice. If you are being bullied, it's hard to say something, for some, it's also hard to stand up for your self.

Raj said...

I found that the videos you showed to us are great, because they demonstrate one must do to fight bullying. From experience, i know that a lot of students in our school think that bullying isn't real. Believe it or not, from the videos they see and stories they hear, they would say that it isn't real. The don't understand what bulling can do do one's self-image, their self-esteem, and their value to their life, and to others. The only reason their belief isn't real is because they have never experienced it, or don't see it happen in school. But every single day, students are bullied, and it is often the kids who don't see bullying happen, or under-estimate the effects bullying can have that bully in the first place. But every day, although it is not often evident, bullying happens, weather indirectly or intentionally. If you look out at the yard, and for one recces, just observe. Observe what happens, how students are being bullied, and you'll notice that there is ALWAYS a pattern. The students that are being bullied, they feel like their left out, like their different, and that how they value other people is wrong. They feel that to be included, they have to ADAPT the behavior of their bullies. This goes back to our conversation, where POWER, and FOLLOWERS are key. Bullies naturally have power. They naturally have followers. But if the bullies have the power, then why not BECOME a bully? I mean, that's your highway to popularity. In the victim's perspective, that is what one SHOULD feel. Its normal. But it's up to people who see this happen on the yard everyday, to stop that cycle. It sometimes hurts to say this, but I've seen close friends turn into jerks, over a matter of years. And the worst part is, that i could have stopped it. Something school's could try to reduce bullying is simple; take away "popular" lunch tables, take away anything that discriminated one from another. If a victim see's, wherever he goes that he isn't EQUAL and that he isn't worth as much as everyone else, then really, what's the point to his life? Why not kill yourself? Your always excluded, your not on the "popular" list, you feel like no one would give a damn it you died. That scenario is really becoming realistic, as suicide rates involving teens are sky-rocketing. By taking away inequality, half the situation would be solved. But that isn't close to as easy as it sounds. The other half to solve this problem? Oh, well that's easy. The solution is one word; YOU. Reach out, put yourself in THEIR shoes, and show EMPATHY!

Raj said...
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Tom J-L said...

alright im going to write two responses because these videos have completely different effects on the viewer.

im going to start with the second one from the top: i think this video used a "different" strategy to get people to come clean if they're being bullied. When i saw the girl moving the sewing needle i just thought she was sewing up a doll or somthing then it became clear she was sewing her own FACE UP! i think the point of his is to make an in-derect shout out to people being bullied saying: "tell someone if you're being bullied or else you'll end up like this person". when i said it used a "different" strategy i meant the old scare-the-heck-out-of-the-veiwer strategy.

video two: i thought this video was cooler than other anti-bullying campaigns. It was nice how it wasnt only adressing victims but it was also talking to bullies; like the two sides were in court or at the guidance counselor's. Further to my likeing it had the paper moving in a way that i gave the feeling of the video being narrated by someone younger like 8 or 9; it gave the video a certain edge that others didn't have.

Sub paragraph/response to peoples response: i've heard a lot of people talking about how bullies are insecure, have no friends, are lonely and all that jazz. After so many people repeating it over and over in the world, im pretty sure even homeschooled people know tat; and they dont even have to deal with bullies! people keepon saying things like that all the time, but that dosent change the hurt someone feels once a bully's done. words are useless in ones head. Put those words to use for heavens sake! You say they're lonely? Be their friend. You say their insecure? complement them. Become their friend. Then we can talk.-i love my advice dont you? ;)

conclusion: both videos were great. but no amount of videos, no matter how great, are going to change anything. im nt being sour, just realistic. If someone is going to chabge based on information, it would have to be by a friend or someone at school. The stereo type of people (10+) not listening to adults is completely true. The same with videos, regardless on whether the video was done by an adult or not. Dont ask me why. I dont know. thats just how it is. from my point of view, NO amount of big anti-bullying campaigns will do any good... it has to come from a friend. no strings attached. no campaigns involved. Unfortunatly its extremly hard to find somoene that can provide such counseling.

A+ to the videos. i like them.

Tom J-L said...

alright im going to write two responses because these videos have completely different effects on the viewer.

im going to start with the second one from the top: i think this video used a "different" strategy to get people to come clean if they're being bullied. When i saw the girl moving the sewing needle i just thought she was sewing up a doll or somthing then it became clear she was sewing her own FACE UP! i think the point of his is to make an in-derect shout out to people being bullied saying: "tell someone if you're being bullied or else you'll end up like this person". when i said it used a "different" strategy i meant the old scare-the-heck-out-of-the-veiwer strategy.

video two: i thought this video was cooler than other anti-bullying campaigns. It was nice how it wasnt only adressing victims but it was also talking to bullies; like the two sides were in court or at the guidance counselor's. Further to my likeing it had the paper moving in a way that i gave the feeling of the video being narrated by someone younger like 8 or 9; it gave the video a certain edge that others didn't have.

Sub paragraph/response to peoples response: i've heard a lot of people talking about how bullies are insecure, have no friends, are lonely and all that jazz. After so many people repeating it over and over in the world, im pretty sure even homeschooled people know tat; and they dont even have to deal with bullies! people keepon saying things like that all the time, but that dosent change the hurt someone feels once a bully's done. words are useless in ones head. Put those words to use for heavens sake! You say they're lonely? Be their friend. You say their insecure? complement them. Become their friend. Then we can talk.-i love my advice dont you? ;)

conclusion: both videos were great. but no amount of videos, no matter how great, are going to change anything. im nt being sour, just realistic. If someone is going to chabge based on information, it would have to be by a friend or someone at school. The stereo type of people (10+) not listening to adults is completely true. The same with videos, regardless on whether the video was done by an adult or not. Dont ask me why. I dont know. thats just how it is. from my point of view, NO amount of big anti-bullying campaigns will do any good... it has to come from a friend. no strings attached. no campaigns involved. Unfortunatly its extremly hard to find somoene that can provide such counseling.

A+ to the videos. i like them.

Tom J-L said...

UH-OH! THATS NOT GOOD! sorry class and mr. oickle! my computer froze and it must have somehow commented twice! hehe an' it takes up a lot of space too.... ,:}

Eric said...

I think the main problems with bullying are bystanders. If the bystanders stood up for the victim, bullying would really exist. Bullying would come to a stop if that happened.

Usually the parents are the reason for their kid is a bully. I'm getting a little off topic but if the kids are bullies and have kids later in life, the chances are that the kids are going to end up like them. It's a cycle.

The victims can't be shy. If they keep quiet of whats happening, it's not going to stop. All three of them can stop it.

Vivian said...
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Vivian said...

Bullying is a big issue among children and adults around the would, emotionally and physically. But you can stop yourself from being bullied. The thing is though, most of the time, the victims are LETTING themselves get bullied, because if the bullies are calling you names, and making fun of you, YOU are the one that decides whether it really affects you or not and if you really believe it's true. If you're confident about yourself and know yourself well enough, then you should be able to judge whether those remarks are true or not. But most of the time when the bullies say bad things the victims let it go to their head, therefore making them being bullied. The minute you truly believe it, they've won, just the fact that you believe something you're not. So if you really do think about it, the main factor of emotional bullying is yourself, because YOU are in control of your thoughts and emotions, YOU are the one letting everything get into your mind, YOU are in control, not THEM.

Lydia said...

Being bullying really is no fun, and i think the problem is the bystanders or the 'peers' because no matter what there will always be bullies but the people just standing there doing nothing should stand up for the victim. bullying is a big problem and it will always be there, but people can try in stop it if they see it happening. the victims cant just stay quiet about it either, they should tell someone, or stand up for themselves. you might think it doesnt happen all the time, but it does. and no one would that to happen to them; for them to feel like an outsider or just different and alone, so why make people feel like that? it feels much better to know that you have done something nice for someone, then to know you made someones day miserable.

ClaireB. said...

I was just wondering, can we print it off and bring it in instead of posting it? Mines sorta long and I'd prefer to just bring it in.

Hilary said...

These videos are both excellent example of what bullying is all about. Not only did they give out tips on how to stop bullying they also showed the emotions, in the first video they taped them to the door. The one with anger on it is the bully, fear is the victim and sadness is the peer who pities th eperson being bullied but doesn't want to end up being bullied herself/himself by standing up for that victim. I have a text to self connection with this because one of my friends was bullied very badly in grade three by another person(not naming any names) the bully called her names and tormented her on a regular basis. It got so bad that the following the vivtim changed to a different school to prevent from being bullied again!

Nowadays there are a lot more victims than bullies because bullies are always the ones that are the most popular and have all the friends that are bullies too. So this group can go around bullying anyone in the school they want and no one is going to stop then because they're too scared that the bullies are going to beat them up or something like that.

One of the upsides for the bullies is that for example they go to someone elses class during lunch when they are really supposed to be in they're homeroom. So they just stay there and no one tells the teacher because they don't want to get beat up or called names because the bullies can easily just say this person is a snitch and before you know it everybody won't want to be his friend because he's a "snitch"! And usually the teacher on duty doesn't teach that class so they don't know whos in it and whos not! Anyways so the bullies just stay there day after day without getting in trouble and the thing thats really frustrating is that whenever someone the bully doesn't like does something that they dont like they will tell on them! But they don't get called a snitch because they're the most popular people in school!! Bullying really just lets the bully get away with so many things and thats why we should stand up for this to stop it!!

Sofia said...

I think that the second video on bullying shows that a victim could be anybody, they don't have to appear dark and moody. The girl's room has posters and pictures she drew. I also think that this video should not be used because the image of the girl with her mouth sewed shut is really freaky. It reminds me of how in my Girl Guides group, in October, we talked about cyber-bullying and how it's not addressed as seriously as normal bullying because it's not during school hours, so no adult knows about it. Also I agree with Maddie when she said if you try to stand up for yourself you don't know how, when you try to stand up you get in trouble because the teacher only sees what you did and not what the bully did. This reminds me of how in the movie " The Spy Next Door" Ian got in trouble because he told two bullies to listen to a "song" on his ipod. The song was actually a bunch of static noises, Ian didn't know that so he ended up getting dumped headfirst into a garbage can with a huge wedgie. Later he gets detention with the two bullies because he told them "on purpose" to listen to a bunch of static.
And also why is everyone in the first video so happy when they say "I'm a victim!:)"

Anonymous said...

Those videos were both sad!:( They were really good but hard to watch. The second video was really shocking because someone would probably go through that much pain to avoid being bullied! Victims are afraid of saying anything because it can be shaped and molded in to something that will be used against them. After it has been said your done for. Thats when the rumors kick in. Those twisted spider webs stringed together with lies, tears and hurt. Along comes an innocent student, then all of a sudden they get caught! Twisted up in a bunch of lies, hurt and rumors...Next comes the bullies, that pick at you, because you are helpless tangled in the web of lies. And soon you are nothing...The teachers try to help, but its no use. The second they're out of the picture again, the bullies aproach you. This is a problem! It is important to us. That is why me,Sierra,Hilary, Vivian and Agatha chose this subject for Drama. Vivian, Agatha and Hilary (the bullies) approach the victim(Sierra). Since she is by herself she is a target and stands out from the crowd. The group pushes Sierra around, before she runs away towards a teacher. The teacher tries to help, while the bullies act all innocent and non-threatening. Once I (the teacher) think that the problem is resolved, I walk away. Leaving the victim with the bullies. They tear off there innocent faces as if it were a mask and the cycle starts again. Sometimes the bullying stops and sometimes it doesn't. I just wish that someday the bullies will notice that while making someones life hard, they are also making their life a whole lot more complicated.

Jeremy Wang said...

For the first video I thought it was a bit creepy because of all the dolls in her room and they have sewed up faces makes it looks like something pulled from Saw V or something. And when the camera went in that circle rotation thing to see that the girl sewed up her own mouth was really strange, but the video has a good message. People who are bullied are usually afraid to talk about it or don’t want to talk about it because it embarrasses them, so talk about it online.

For the second video I find giving “tips” about how to be bullies/peers/victims is kind of stupid because you can’t really give tips on how to be a victim, all you need to do is stand up for yourself. But other than that I think it was well done for high school students. I think the real question is how does standing up to yourself solve anything? Everyone always says that standing up to bullies will stop bullying, care to explain how?

Is it a coincidence or is it just me because we’re doing anti-bullying and yesterday, Thursday November 17 was “Do it for Daron day”. What’s DFDD I asked the same question until I looked it up on google, Daron is a girl who suicided because of bullying or some type of mental disease but the true cause of why she suicided is unknown.

Sorry its l8 didnt have time to post it friday

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