Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Jan 11, 2011

Music Dates

Everyone, don't forget to give me or Sierra a date to do your Salsa Siesta in your Body Surfers group. You can do it Wednesday or Thursday at only lunch recess. Please let us know by commenting on the blog so we can make a list for Ms.Spear.


Rohini said...

All I know is that my group is presenting Thursday 1st recess and Sierra's group is presenting Thursday 2nd recess. But please let us know!!!!

Rohini said...

Actually, it is only lunch recesses.

Hilary said...

actually our group (sierra's group) can't do it thursday could we do it wednesday instead?

Rohini said...

Ok Hilary, Wednesday lunch recess!

Sofia said...
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Sofia said...

why not on thursday?

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