Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Jan 10, 2011

High School

Hey guys,

I just have a couple of questions about high schools and everything. Cause I want to continue french immersion in high school. Do I have to take every subject in french?? I obliviously know that math and English are in ENGLISH. But I'm really not good at science so it would probably be better if it was in English for me. I'm not going to SRB so I have been looking into high schools, because my home school is Bell and my info night is on Wednesday, Mr. O do you the time? I'm pretty sure I read 6:30 but then someone told me that, that time was for the gifted program. So I really don't know. If someone could answer my question it would help. Thanks



Vivian said...

I'm pretty sure you have more subjects in english other than english and math.

Anonymous said...

Umm i think that you have to do something with french points or credits. I think you have to have a certain amount by the end of the year? Not sure exactly, but its something like that. Info night information is on their website.

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