Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Dec 3, 2010

"Everyone is smart, just in different ways"

Hi guys. I just can't let this one go. This quote from class (Thx. Vivian) on Thursday has been floating around in my head since then. The way you all connected it to the purpose of grades, achievement and student self esteem was brilliant.  Does anyone care to restate or elaborate on their comments from class?


Rohini said...

I remember one of my comments being something about being in the gifted program, for some people, can change their personality and make him/her feel like they are better than everyone else because the person would assume that because they are in the gifted program, they are ultimately superior because they're "gifted".

Eric said...

And why would you bring pencils to school, if worksheets and test don't even last a day in your memory.

Rod Oickle said...

I have to disagree with "superior". Since aptitude and intelligence are context specific, a "gifted" person may not have the experience or understand the context well enough to demonstrate their skill set. : )

Lydia said...

i think even if some people say that tests and worksheets are useless, we should still have them, just not ALL the time, because for some people worksheets can be very helpful. once again, its all about your PERSPECTIVE, and what works for you.
about the gifted thing, only some people think that they're 'superior' or better cuz they're in gifted, but most of them dont.

Rohini said...

I don't understand your comment, Mr.Oickle...

Raj said...
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Raj said...

Sorry for the late comment, i had forgotten my password but i really wanted 2 comment on this topic, hopefuly u guys see it

I was absent on Thrusday, as i had volleyball and therefore missed the discussion. But I think i can still input something.

Society in America and Canada as well is significantly different to other nations, less developed nations like India and China. But how come, although they don't always have the schooling, money and resources, they are more successful than us? Why is it that Chinese values towards education is FAR more superior than ours? I mean, its not like they aren't children like us, its not like they don't play sports, like they don't play video games (China is the HUB in everything to do with technology.) Chinese and Indian tradition doesn't follow the "Everyone's smart in their own ways" mantra. They have a different approach, where the only way to achieve success is by EFFORT and hard work, not being told, "Oh, U might not be so good a math, but don't worry, you're at your own level" Well, that is a very humane approach to studying. But get real guys, how successful will it be for our generation? Why is whatever second-world and third-world countries do that WE can't do? I've lived and studied in Kenya, and if i ever went back to Kenya, i ASSURE you i would be put back at least one year, if not two. And so would everyone else in this class. We wouldn't dare tell someone that they aren't good enough, in our society. But in other countries, and my school in Kenya, exam results were POSTED IN FRONT OF THE CLASS. And in a rank. Well, no one wanted to be last, and everyone put the effort to do their best. But telling the youth of this generation in this country that everyone works at their own pace has only given students too much freedom, too much responsibility and duties, thus only decreasing how much they think studies are important towards your success in your life. As Mr O always does, whatever i have said here isnt a random, untrue statement; it's supported by countless statistics and facts. In around 10 years the MOST important language to know will be Mandarin, as Chinese and Asian industries will be the better part of the main corps. in the country. Why are we letting students from abroad taking over our country, our jobs, our career? Well, simple. Because, you know, we all work at our own pace, and we have to learn slowly and in a certain way and all that. We can continue doing all that. But then we shouldn't expect much of a future in this growing country, and world.

Again, this subject is very controversial and i would expect taking some heat for my opinion, but i believe it is true.

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