Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Nov 29, 2010

Good evening class. :)

So you know how M. O'Brien said if we wanted to up our mark on the geography test, we could find a article and I just wanted to know what exactly we were supposed to do with the article. I didn't understand what he said, it was in french and he was talking fast... LAWL. I think he said ask write and answer your own questions, but I just want some clarification. Also, the article was supposed to be about immigration, right? :/

Thanks, Claire


Lydia said...

ya, he said you could just find an article on immigration, or anything to do with it (les barrieres, types d'immgration, etc.), and it could be in english or in french.

ClaireB. said...

Do you have to write about it?

Vivian said...

Ya, you just make up some questions like Mr.O`Brien did on the test, but you make your own and then answer them with the info you got from your own article.

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