Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Dec 3, 2010


Hi everyone sorry about the homework posting it's my first time but..... here it is:

1.Bring in letter to d'Artagnans father for Monday if you haven't already done so
2. Retest on dictee preparee on Tuesday
3. Also the Migrations article if you are redoing your Geo test

Keep practicing body music (Body Surfers)

Work on your jingle and commercial part for next drama class even though we are gonna be gone to the ballet (Beauty and the Beast)

If you do want to go to the ballet ensure that you bring in your permission form and the $11.00 before Thursday.

P.S. (Rachel wanted me to put this up) RACHEL PLEASE REMEBER TO BRING PENCILS TO SCHOOL ON MONDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Bring in a few dollars for the Food Bank Drive. We have to beat Mr.Behn we are currently losing to his class.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks jon

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