Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Mar 22, 2011

Wordle thingy

Hi just wondering one thing why on the bottom of our blog do we have a wordle with all of our names??

Also no offense to you all but like I was looking at our blog and nocticed that the wordle thing Sierra and Viv's name were alot larger then the others. I'm presuming that it was just to show who made the wordle thing. I'm just pointing this all out cuz like arent we all equal?????

I personally think we should all have the same size name since we are a family: We are 8H a great group of kids going to school arent we??

If you wanted to say it was by Sierra and Viv just post it on there and post a little tag at the bottom saying By Sierra and Viv.

Anyone else see that at the bottom of the blog??


Anonymous said...

Ya. I noticed that. i think that vivian and sierra made the wordle.

DjFaiza said...

lool it's not really a big deal to me .. just saying

Rohini said...
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Vivian said...

I know I didn't make the wordle and I'm pretty sure Sierra didn't either. I think Mr.Oickle made the wordle since only we(students)can only post stuff as a post, and not "on" the website, and so I think it wasn't on purpose......

Rohini said...

I never really cared in the first place...

Sierra said...

Why do you think me and Vivian made the wordle?? Just cause our names are bigger?? That's insulting...Vivian and I are not self-centered like that. I did not make the wordle. And it shouldn't be that big of a deal. It was an accident on the authors part.

Anonymous said...

k. it doesn't really matter

Rohini said...

No reason to get upset...

Tom J-L said...

wow guys, really? are we reaaally having this conversation?


2. it might have been made on a different program from the wordles we're using so it varies the sizes automatically;no bias involved.

Tom J-L said...

ands really jon? are you in any position to be complaining? my name is actuall the 2nd smallest next to sofias and i dont care, so why should you?

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