Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Jan 3, 2011

Is it just me or did M. Obrien never actually talk to us about the family immigration project? He only mentionned I think but I just want to know if I'm not the only one.


DjFaiza said...

yeah your right , i dont even know when its due .

ClaireB. said...

Yeah he never told us when its due.

Aggie said...

it's due on jan. 20, i think

Rohini said...

Well, the homework post (Vivian) said that it is due January 20th...

DjFaiza said...

ohhh , my bad

Sophie said...

I know but he never really talked about it with us. he gave us the rubric and then just explained it, but still. We haven't worked on it or spoke about it since. Maybe even he forgot...

Sofia said...

there's a rubric?!

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